慾望迷城 Breaking and Entering (1區及3區)
<;P>美版將五月八號推出 </P><;P> </P>
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<;P>Genius Products LLC. and The Weinstein Company have announced the Region 1 DVD release of Breaking and Entering on 8th May 2007 priced at $28.95 SRP. In this drama starring Juliette Binoche and Jude Law a rash of burglaries weaves a tangled web that ensnares a group of unlikely bed-fellows, unlocking secret passions that threaten to unravel the lives of everyone involved. Written and directed by Anthony Minghella the film also stars Robin Wright Penn and newcomer Rafi Gavron, who along with Binoche garnered nominations from the British Independent Film Awards for their roles. </P>
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<;P>Features include: Anamorphic Widescreen English and French DD5.1 Surround English and Spanish subtitles 6 Deleted Scenes Commentary by writer/director Anthony Minghella ”Lie, Cheat, Steal, Love: The Making Of Breaking & Entering” featurette</P>
[ 本帖最後由 lkljason 於 2007-7-26 15:01 編輯 ] 美版已出街.
但呢套野劣評如潮, 見下我果面十個著左十個係鬧...
我都未必想見識下套戲. 咁就借俾我,都唔睇la:P 原帖由 hand神 於 2007-5-3 00:18 發表 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
我都話完全唔想睇(買), 點借俾你呢?:o 我應該話就算有人借,都唔睇啦:P
1區, 3區DVD: Breaking and Entering 慾望迷城
Breaking & Entering導演 : Anthony Minghella
演員 : Jude Law, Juliette Binoche
睇外国影評話依套戲幾悶,我睇完都有同感,整套戲無高潮位,一D笑位都無,故事講Jude Law有一個幸福家庭,但總覺得自己妻子(Robin Wright Penn)愛與前夫所生的女兒多過自己.婚姻變得無味.有一次1名男孩入屋偷野,於是Jude Law跟踪他到家裡,因而與這名男孩的母親(Juliette Binoche)發生一段感情.無奈的是,Juliette一樣是痛錫自己的兒子.甘究竟Jude Law 會點樣决擇呢?但係睇完之後,我會想如果我係Jude Law,我會揀邊個呢? 亦好想快D睇到係王家衛既改造下,究竟Jude Law係"My Blueberry Nights"會唔會脫胎換骨.
[ 本帖最後由 lkljason 於 2007-7-17 16:57 編輯 ] 小弟貪得意學人寫下!!! 不喜勿插!!!!! :L 點會插呢, 多謝你都黎唔急切啦!!!!
thanks a lot!!!! 點會插丫~~~thank you你既料至真
不過你講呢套戲真係未聽過:lol 原帖由 lkljason 於 2007-6-20 14:37 發表 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
點會插丫~~~thank you你既料至真
點會未聽過呀,hand神兄講過架啦,"慾望迷城" 吖嘛!!!Smilies013