[電單車]Kawasaki ZX-RR Ninja 進度十七
本帖最後由 kennykky 於 2011-12-10 16:42 編輯買左兩盒Gundam Color...但係我冇買呢兩隻Murasai同0080 Z'gok...只係想買油先...廢事遲下搵唔返. .模型就到砌果時先買
諗住光油乾到咁上下, 拎條後叉來試下省水貼邊...另外油左少少釘位
I think the topcoat has been dried long enough(in fact I can't wait any longer), I've sand down the decal's outline on the swing arms. I'll put another semi-gloss coat on it so there is no need to polish further. I'll let the fairings to dry for just two more days before I sand them. I've also painted some detail for nuts and screws today. 你係咪諗住砌全套HGUC?{:1_260:} 我好似得一隻0079的...