Ching, where did you buy the cover for the amp. and how much? thank you. {:6_141:} 回復 42# ez1
please see 40# above 回復 43# charliey
OK, thanks. {:6_142:} HOT{:1_248:} {:6_193:}師兄真識貨, 我記得6c33 既聲好真實吓, 冇乜味精, 唔似一般既膽機, 唔知師兄呢部又點呢?
my tube amp
個人木耳愚見,請看31#- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用 回復 47# charliey
師兄可唔可以講埋你用咩喇叭,線材之類? 回復 48# kenneth_obee
Rega appollo cdp, 7n4030II pc, chord chameleonplus rca
Linn majik 109, neotech 3001 ultra pc, inakustik 1102 speaker cable, zu jumpers
7075 surpreme powerbar + nep1058 pc
none of above are high end equipment ... just fit my small home environment ... {:6_183:} 光係讀師兄嘅description已經想即刻買番部聽下!
kenneth_obee 發表於 2011-12-9 14:50
如果嫌呢部貴, 我响柏裕16/F都聽過部用6C33 既機, 好似8K幾, 不過當然係MADE IN CHINA啦