[電單車]Kawasaki ZX-RR Ninja 進度十四
本帖最後由 kennykky 於 2011-12-10 16:43 編輯噴左Topcoat, 大概噴左四次Mr. Color 184, 有幾條塵同毛沉左入去好深既位置, 應該沙唔到...由佢乾兩個星期先
Ran across it with about 4 layers of Mr. Color 184 Super Clears II thinned with Mr. Leveling thinner. There are a few dust and fiber sunk too deep under the coats that probably won't be able to sand away, I hope it won't be too visible. I'll let it dry till near the end of this month. There are still some smaller parts to work with for the interior within this week.