發表於 2012-2-22 01:38
想問如果可以停止本身的前級功能讓他的聲音完全bypass ,我唔想用佢前級,只想出訊號
發表於 2012-2-22 08:36
Here is a discussion forum for the DAC:
There should be three choices for "Volume Control" in the DAC: Analogy, Digital, Bypass. You can use bypass to see whether it works or not. According to some discussions in Computeraudiophile, it seems that it is best to set Digital output at -8 for "bypassing" the pre-amp part. Moreover, it is said that new firmware will have more options for bypass function (but I don't know what they are!). According to the manual (in p.30), there is a feature called "Relay bypass of the attenuator for direct purist DAC out". But I have no idea what it refers to.
I exchanged several emails with Micheal (the designer of Mytek 192 DAC).He said the DAC will sound best when using Firewire and USB inputs. There are several chings using this DAC in XXXXX33. You can look up their setup too.
發表於 2012-2-22 08:39
本帖最後由 kenneth_obee 於 2012-7-27 09:01 編輯
我用过听过的声卡和DAC都算不少了,大多以专业设备为主:RME FIREFACE UC、RME FF800、APOGEE ROSETTA200 ...
fseon 發表於 2011-12-31 10:29
師兄個環境好大 {:1_344:}
發表於 2012-7-27 02:42
發表於 2012-7-27 05:59
回復 44# felix430
Yes. But you have to use USB 2.0 with its drivers (either Windows or MAC) to achieve best results. And the drivers alone makes a difference in performance. I find the latest driver offering better sound the previous ones
發表於 2012-7-27 19:43
回復 45# sokwan
Thx, another question, some people say this DAC is quite sensitive to the quality of CD recording. It's inaudible if the recording is pop, such as POP music, do you have this kind of experience?
發表於 2012-7-27 20:09
回復 46# felix430
I would not use the word "sensitive'. I would say it is revealing.
Pop does not mean Low quality. Pop recordings, like Eva Cassidy, Sting, Dire Straits, Robbie Williams, The Cranberries, The Eagles, Depeche Mode, even Hong Kong/Taiwan CDs, like 港樂 X 林憶蓮 X 倫永亮, 情牽女人心, 笑傲歌壇黃霑傳世經典, 那英精選, etc, are good. Even 陳奕迅's DUO is quite good
發表於 2012-7-27 20:36
回復 47# sokwan
So MyTek 192 DSD still performance well when listening to POP music? I'm quite interested in this DAC but not sure if it is a good choice or not because I spend 80% of time on POP music, 20% on voice and soundtrack.
發表於 2012-7-28 06:58
回復 48# felix430
I do think Mytek come play all kinds of music well in general as its sound is neutral, balanced with good wide frequency response. Compared to other DACs, like 5i-10, Northstar, I think Mytek might be better for pop music in general. W4S DAC2 might be a bit more punchy. At around 12K-13K, you can find other DACs that win Mytek in some aspects, but loses in others. When going to pop music, I think it is more important to choose right speakers . With neutral and analytical DACs, like Mytek, you can at least make sure that the source is faithful . For your information, I do think 田雨 DAC is very good choices under 5K. And young people might prefer the modern sound more and you can save some money to buy more CDs.
發表於 2012-8-22 11:41
Mytek 192 DSD DAC 好像沒WIFI 跟NETWORK SUPPORT, 是不是不能直讀NAS 的檔案?
小弟不太想用CAS, 想D/A 可以直讀NAS 上的DSD 檔,