本帖最後由 mnmxxxx 於 2011-12-2 00:40 編輯今日終於成功係大陸運咗部電視下來,謝謝76各師兄的指點!
hx920 65"$40x00, 55"$22xxx,
Ex720 55" $10500, 60" $17xxx
65vt30c $39990,
transportation, $700-$800 視乎地區。報告完畢!
回復 1# mnmxxxx
咁你買左邊部? ching 你買左邊部? 回復 1# mnmxxxx
還是人民幣? 大陸買,點會收港幣呀{:1_330:} 想要找車手,可以比連絡方法我嗎? 即係買左邊部? 回復 2# SIXKKHO
Yes sunxng, mr chan.I picked 55ex720, same as you.Same price as u too. But no stock for 3d glasses, so I got one pair only.Driver is same as yours, 700 for me.The price should be the same.800 for hk island. Thx for yr advice! 回復 7# avlam
55ex720. Others out of budget and I think less risky to try lower model. 回復avlam
55ex720. Others out of budget and I think less risky to try lower model.
mnmxxxx 發表於 2011-12-1 23:16 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
SONY 係咪中,港兩地都有保養嘅呢?{:6_141:}