Arthur Rubinstein - The Complete Album Collection [Box set]
144 CD, HK$12.5 per CD. 回復 1# ccrayc
先前已經收左風, 呢套賓仔香港賣價一定貴, 所以我去德遜訂左 EUR189.99, 計賣運費應該全遜最平
稔住10成係EU共版, 所以夾埋D德鐵一齊買, 仲未到{:1_255:}
琴日見到係沙田光碟倉庫已有得賣, $@%(( {:1_348:}
當年賓仔大全集香港賣$9999, 新版多50隻CD+2DVD, 唔知本書內容同舊版有無分別?
收貨後做個開箱文比大家睇, 希望DHL唔好掉爛{:1_260:} Price increased in amazon uk:
Please note that the price of Arthur Rubinstein - The Complete Album Collection has increased from £173.30 to £207.52 since you placed it in your Shopping Basket. 回復 3# ccrayc
到手喇 The much more expensive original version re-surfaced again, but only 6 in stock: