馬爺想借樓主post問關於5i-10,既問題,我昨天在Canworkshop買了一部5i-10, 在現場 試機時 ...
ltcHD 發表於 2011-11-30 08:55 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
PM replied 其實我用緊nuforce udac...不過效果開始滿足唔到我了
iversonfans 發表於 2011-11-30 01:03 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
我自己而家只係用緊logitech squeezebox touch 跟機隻dac, 我試過借人地隻全摩MD10 同MF M1 DAC 番來玩,一試之下覺得吾值得upgrade,無咩提升, 所以而家target around 一萬既DAC, 當然如果買taobao國貨情況可能會吾同 buy this http://www.erji.net/read.php?tid=1132668
回覆: HKD3000 想買 DAC
回復 49# Wilmer威馬馬爺想借樓主post問關於5i-10,既問題,我昨天在Canworkshop買了一部5i-10, 在現場 試機時是沒有問題的(cdp同軸去5i-10), 但回家後不 論我用同軸or光懺, 從Oppo bdp80接至5i-10再RCA 去av amp, 都是沒有聲音, 而我亦肯定我沒有接錯線, bdp, AV amp及線材都是正常的 昨晚太夜沒有打去問番Ken,今日會打去問,但心急想 先問問馬爺知吾知係咩問題,另外我亦PM了你相同問題 Thanks
發送自我的 GT-I9000 大板凳 回復 54# sungyue
已反覆轉換都係吾得, 我部Oppo bdp80 audio set up度有coaxial PCM 同 bitstream 間, 正路應該係間bitstream先係比dac解碼, 但試曬兩個mode都係吾得
有冇oppo既用家師兄可以分享下setting 本帖最後由 ttthhhkkk 於 2011-11-30 14:06 編輯
你冇睇哂所有 THREAD 咩?當事人 MAC 有 DIGITAL OUT 都話要 USB 喎
另外其實冇話咩 DAC 對電腦 USB...
Wilmer威馬 發表於 2011-11-30 08:46 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
northstar comes with specific usb driver, w4s dac2 comes with async usb chip
who say "冇話咩 DAC 對電腦 USB 有特別優化"{:1_336:}
"部部過萬係因為產地,唔係因為 QUALITY"
As you said, who will buy overseas machine if they are all over price? Their ear are...
"ONIX 平係因為台資國產,如果仲係 MADE IN UK o既 ONIX,一樣過萬"
Just a china made machine, but with nice sound tuning
The cost in hifi is to buy their know-how, how to build a good equipment, buy their experience, it is not just where they make 本帖最後由 Wilmer威馬 於 2011-11-30 14:18 編輯
driver =/= 優化,all USB audio device over 16/44.1 for Windows must have driver (or ASIO, for best performance, even at 16/44.1) for optimum performance, but Mac may need no driver, this is because HD USB audio work under USB Audio 2.0 Protocol, which Windows even Win7 still not yet support.
Pricing of audio equipment base on two reference:
1) Sound quality regardless of manufacturer cost and country of origin
2) Base on manufacturer cost and country of origin
Such as the well known Cello, no expensive components, just Philips or Wima, it cost base on sound quality; The other well know Sound Master tube amp, many expensive components compare with Cello, but they set pricing base on their manufacturer cost and country of origin, both well accept by the market, nobody claim Cello over price or Sound Master under price.
But there are many import brands do really cost high due to distributor mark up or lcoal advertising fee, that's why so many examples order online via internet seller, even with shipping cost add on, still cheaper then buy in HK, such brands the local price do have nothing related to quality. 回復sungyue
已反覆轉換都係吾得, 我部Oppo bdp80 audio set up度有coaxial PCM 同 bitstream 間, 正路 ...
ltcHD 發表於 2011-11-30 13:56 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Suggest you bring your Oppo to Canworkshop, along with your digital cable, test how to set your Oppo together with Kan first, since he also have other DACs in shop could do test, more easy make sure where is the problem. buy this
lau2001hk 發表於 2011-11-30 10:15 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Have you ever take an audiotion? you really think the sound worth for HK$5K+? 其實我用緊nuforce udac...不過效果開始滿足唔到我了
iversonfans 發表於 2011-11-30 01:03 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Nuforce is not that bad, but really not warm and musical sound, maybe you can consider tune the sound via cables, or add something like a tube buffer.