FOUNDATION II speaker stands, i think. 回復 90# tomtomsuccess
Thank you 回復HOHOHO
FOUNDATION II speaker stands, i think.
tomtomsuccess 發表於 2012-2-6 13:38
new one about $6k? 恭喜師兄第一次 .... 回復 81# HOHOHO
Can you PM the price & where to buy? 恭喜Ching!!{:6_195:}{:6_196:} 回復 95# walker168
check your pm Hoho hing, may I know the super thick 'black stone' is made by sticking 2 pieces together when they make it? Or there is such thickness? 回復 1# HOHOHO
<b>回復 1# <i>HOHOHO</i> </b><br /><br /><br /> 第一次就Proac吾使再換機!agree!
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