實驗證明, task killer係冇用的
Real World Test Show That Android Task Killers Are Still UselessCarriers and manufacturers still often recommend the use of task killer apps on Android to speed up your phone and save battery life, but they can actually do more harm than good. PC World does a few real-world tests to show that they are, in fact, useless when it comes to saving battery.
We've talked about why you shouldn't use task killers before: Android memory doesn't work like PC memory, so clearing it out won't help your speed or battery life, and it could even kill processes you want to keep open. PC World actually did some real-world experimentation to back this up, trying out Advanced Task Killer on five different Android phones. They found that at best, it gave a 4.2% increase in battery life, and at worst a 0.5% decrease. If you wanted a bit more experimental evidence against the use of task killers, hit the link to check out their article. And, while you're at it, check out our features on how to actually increase battery life on your phone, speed up a sluggish Android device with a few other tricks, or update your old phone with a custom ROM (since Android 1.6 doesn't manage tasks well enough on its own).
其餘內容請看原文 : http://lifehacker.com/5862994/real-world-test-show-that-android-task-killers-are-still-useless {:6_192:}但我真係feel到冇咁lag 回復 2# blindfaith3by8
師兄你用邊部? 我部arc s得512mb ram, 冇用task killer (其實我從來唔用), 都完全冇問題, 幾順 task killer冇用??唔用就真係有問題啦{:1_260:} 本帖最後由 liljon852 於 2011-11-29 10:42 編輯
回復 4# SonSon
其實唔單止pcmag同好多android網站講相同既說話, 連google都曾經講過task killer其實冇乜用{:6_142:}
你可以留意一下, 其實你kill完d app係會再自動load番入去, 所以kill黎根本冇用.
本身android係會pre-load晒d app入去黎提升app既載入速度, 呢個係android既系統特性 (因此android 4.0先會加入新功能比用戶自己決定邊d app唔預先載入系統記憶體中).而kill app係會增加cpu負載同進一步消耗電力 (kill and reload既過程)
再加上android其實係自己識得係唔夠ram時就自動kill左閒置得最耐既app黎釋放ram比新既app用, 而用task killer既分別只不過係kill app既時間唔同 (系統係等你需要用ram果一刻先kill app, 而用task killer只係由用家手動做同一樣既工作)
呢一點google同樣都有解釋過, 叫android user唔好當左android係windows, 所以用家亦可以留意到, 其實android係冇exit program呢一樣野.
之但係有一個情況, 就係有時有d整得唔好既app, 你離開左(即係返出去home後)之後佢依然係背景不停運行, 呢個情況就需要到用task killer去kill左佢. 我自己都試過一次有隻game, 我返出去home後, 隻game既background music仲係度播緊.... 其實你kill完d app係會再自動load番入去, 所以kill黎根本冇用.
liljon852 發表於 2011-11-29 10:35 http://m.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Totally agree... Actually, in Android, I can't kill a task, just can uninstall those unwanted apps to make sure they don't get loaded automatically... 回復blindfaith3by8
師兄你用邊部? 我部arc s得512mb ram, 冇用task killer (其實我從來唔用), 都完全 ...
liljon852 發表於 2011-11-29 09:39 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
我用HTC incredible s....有時好lag.... 一用左kill task..就smooth晒{:6_122:} 回復 5# liljon852
冇記錯, 雖然D apps係會pre load, 但如果用task Killer 事前kill 一次, 除非你再開apps, 否則係唔會再次起動. 對我黎講每次發現部機lag lag哋, 用咗task killer 放ram後真係順暢好多, 不過呢個可能係我部手機問題{:1_260:} . 回復 7# blindfaith3by8
應該唔係ram既問題, 反而似係cpu問題或有某d app造成.
因為我arc s都係得512mb都冇乜點lag, 但部is反而有768mb 回復 8# SonSon
因為我都遇過呢d app, uninstall左佢用第2隻就解決左