劉一舟 發表於 2009-1-13 13:36

《超級零零狗》Bolt : Blu-ray (實物圖在第5,9頁)

本帖最後由 劉一舟 於 2010-9-18 19:08 編輯


儆惡懲奸、維持正義的超級零零狗Bolt,大聲一吠令地動山搖、眼中怒火令壞蛋燒焦──這些全都是電視劇中的情節,在鏡頭以外,超級零零狗Bolt便變回一隻平凡小狗。 一次意外,Bolt由荷里活片場被送到千里之外的紐約,最弊的是Bolt原來一直以為自己真的擁有超乎常人的力量,決定展開一場驚天動地的正義之旅!為了直擊邪惡核心,他先捉了大壞蛋「碧眼狐佬」的得力助手衰貓Mittens(衰,只是劇情需要),再認識了一隻電視撈飯、經常幻想勇闖龍潭的倉鼠Rhino,展開一次撞板多過食飯、做英雄慘過做壞蛋的爆笑大冒險!

Single-Disc DVD
-1.78:1 Anamorphic Widescreen
-Dolby Digital 5.1 and 2.0 Surround
-English, French and Spanish audio
-English SDH, French and Spanish subtitles
-Exclusive Bonus Short - Super Rhino – BOLT breakout star Rhino, the hyperactive hamster, gets a chance to headline his very own adventure

Two-Disc DVD - As above plus the following additional extras:
-“I Thought I Lost You” Music Video featuring the movie’s stars, Miley Cyrus and John Travolta
-In Session with John Travolta and Miley Cyrus - A behind-the-scenes look at recording Bolt’s signature song “I Thought I Lost You.”
-A New Breed of Directors: A Filmmakers’ Journey - First-time directors Chris Williams and Byron Howard take fans along as they traverse the road from concept to completion
-Act, Speak! The Voices of Bolt - Join the voice cast in session: John Travolta (Bolt), Miley Cyrus (Penny), Susie Essman (Mittens), James Lipton (Director) and Mark Walton (Rhino)
-Creating The World of Bolt – Bolt’s painterly backgrounds have wowed audiences across the globe. The filmmakers explain how they fashioned the unique look of this CG movie
-Deleted Scenes - With optional introductions by directors Chris Williams and Byron Howard
-DisneyFile Digital Copy - choice of iTunes or Windows Media formats

Blu-ray Disc - The Blu-ray includes all of the extras from the DVD releases, plus a standard definition DVD version of the film and a DisneyFile Digital Copy of the film. You also get the following exclusive extras:
-Bolt’s Be-Awesome Mission - In order to defeat the Green-Eyed Man, Bolt has to find his way through three challenging levels in an exciting interactive game. Viewers can join in collecting clues, conquering ninjas and unleashing the power of the Super Bark!
-Bolt Art Gallery – Animation enthusiasts can check out the film’s early creative concepts in the Bolt Art Gallery, which contains the building blocks of a big screen blockbuster, from storyboards to character mock-ups. Gallery sections include Visual Development, Character Development, Storyboard Art and Color Script Images.
-BD-Live including Movie Chat, Movie Mail, Movie Challenge and Movie Rewards

阿定 發表於 2009-1-13 13:53


acoolbat 發表於 2009-1-13 17:25


mankoo米高 發表於 2009-1-13 22:51


eric_on 發表於 2009-1-13 23:19


lkljason 發表於 2009-1-13 23:20


hand神 發表於 2009-1-13 23:27


劉一舟 發表於 2009-2-6 02:28

本帖最後由 劉一舟 於 2009-2-6 02:53 編輯


victor_wong 發表於 2009-2-6 09:07

請問 舟兄 香港上畫邊個配音? 港版 BD 又會唔會有埋條配音? 有就正啦{:1_338:}

chhanthony 發表於 2009-2-6 10:35

張學友加......鄭欣兒(睇完先知係佢, 同埋其實佢唱歌幾好聽)
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