yuppi 發表於 2011-11-23 17:10

回復 20# benny888

不過我想講番我買 GENIE 其中一個原因就係佢個角度點玩都得...{:6_138:}

bbsai 發表於 2011-11-23 17:31

回復 19# yuppi

dolby 有種擺放, 把後置向天花板, 雖然未試過, 但估計空間感會不會好些?

benny888 發表於 2011-11-23 17:47


不過我想講番我買 GENIE 其中一個原因就係佢個角度點玩都得...{:6_ ...
yuppi 發表於 2011-11-23 17:10 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

    icic , later plan plan front high sin haha

yuppi 發表於 2011-11-23 18:30

回復 22# bbsai

而家surround back 已經有一種"後面"既感覺, 吾再試啦.....{:6_136:}

guly 發表於 2011-11-24 21:43


rnm137 發表於 2011-11-24 22:09


Bee 發表於 2011-11-25 00:08

幾勁set up{:1_326:}有心思{:1_351:}

wally 發表於 2011-11-25 00:21

只可惜 ONKYO 將 TV & CD design 成同一 input, 而所有 RCA input 係吾可以 re-assign, 即係話如果你用 TV HDMI 聲音回傳時, CD RCA input 會變成不能使用, 個插頭做到幾靚, 線路做到幾完美都冇用......
yuppi 發表於 2011-11-23 13:49 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

Regarding to this one, it may not be totally true. I believe this is the same design for all Onkyo amp. I'm using 808 and using TV HDMI 聲音回傳. and also CDP to RCA (CD port). The thing is, Onkyo will take TV as priority, so if you're on TV/CD mode, and your TV is on, then, it will take the HDMI signal, otherwise, if the TV is off, then it will take the RCA.

Agree, its not flexible, but, in reality, will you turn on the TV and play CD at the same time?

Just sharing, 5009 as higher grade, it may be different. {:6_158:}

yuppi 發表於 2011-11-25 01:16

Regarding to this one, it may not be totally true. I believe this is the same design for all Onkyo ...
wally 發表於 2011-11-25 00:21 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

每次都要開電視做 audio select 改 setting 由 HDMI 轉 RCA, 所以宜家用其他 optical input 代替 TV input.

hit87761 發表於 2011-11-26 10:53

yuppi 兄,onkyo那邊跟成點呢?幾時有得換?
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