大佬John 發表於 2009-1-12 08:10

[電單車]Kawasaki ZX-RR Ninja 進度九

本帖最後由 kennykky 於 2011-12-10 16:45 編輯

整左成晚, 之前隻綠色唔靚. 我洗晒再噴. 整左少少碳纖維, 個網係係通寶行買既筆袋剪落黎, 密度o岩o岩好又軟. 將件part貼落舊藍寶貼度再黐個網上去, 之後噴SM03 Super Iron+smoke. 隻綠色用水性X-15加幾滴瑩光綠, 勁慢乾, 成日有塵黐落去又要等成年等佢乾左先可以磨, 最後決定有D位第時會用水貼摭住既就由佢, 其他見光位就噴GX白摭過左佢算數..

I've worked overnight it is 7:35 AM here. Last night I did some CF effects, I cut this mesh from a stationery beg, it is very flexable, I put the part against a blue tape and the mesh over them, then sprayed on SM03 Iron+smoke.

The rest of the night was spent on painting the fairings. The green is much better now, I used Acrylic paint X-15 with a few drops of Fluorescent green, because it is acrylic paint it took a lot longer to dry.
Often there were dust landed on the surface I have had to wait for the paint to dry then sand away the dust, that explain why it took the whole night.
The layer was still not thick enough after a few hours of spraying, waiting and sanding, later I decided not to sand every dust away and paint an even layer of paint everywhere, those spots later will be cover by decal were left alone(dusty or unpainted), the rest of the dusty parts were painted with GX01 white to cover them before continue painting green on.
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