阿正 發表於 2011-11-20 14:09 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
俾閰西門町好旺既佳佳唱片你上去望下{:1_343:} 俾閰西門町好旺既你上去望下
agic 發表於 2011-11-20 16:22 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
謝謝,等放大假玩番轉先 謝謝,等放大假玩番轉先
阿正 發表於 2011-11-20 17:43 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
上網睇住先,好多新貨,包你裝一大夾 回復 1# 35ti
Ching, would you pls tell me where is the cd shop in Taipei? 上網睇住先,好多新貨,包你裝一大夾
agic 發表於 2011-11-20 17:46 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
等真係有假期至算,啊啊 回復35ti
Ching, would you pls tell me where is the cd shop in Taipei?
mysong 發表於 2011-11-20 20:58 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
佳佳唱片你上去望下{:1_343:} 回復 16# agic
長老, 你咁樣我下個月去台北5日都唔夠呀{:6_125:} 又去旅行,又入到好嘢,可喜可賀.... 回復 14# mysong
全新: 台北車站,三越附近有幾間CD shop, 佳佳等,都幾集中袈
二手: 台北車站,三越附近有樓上店, 重慶南路一段有地庫店等
Good luck! 回復 19# 35ti
Thanks alot Ching, u r very helpful!