SACD & LPCD 兩隻都{:6_193:} SACD & LPCD 的制式,亦乎母帶的質素而去決定,剛推出是係信心保證,而現在就……儲多啲彈藥,等唱片公司又玩甚麼還好啦。
Ha, chings, I hv the Anita Mui 's LPCDM2II, but I am not sure whetehr this is also the CDr like LPCD45, and the sound quality will be degraded....can any chings give me advices? thx!!!~ Ha, chings, I hv the Anita Mui 's LPCDM2II, but I am not sure whetehr this is also the CDr like LPCD ...
Gentleho 發表於 2011-12-29 12:14
喚,你令嘢啦,這張梅艷芳LPCD I 或 II,都是由CD過,如果用另一張比較之下,啲質素一聽就高下立見啦。我本打算買,朋友告訴有這件事,即閃。 回復 16# 文次郎
U mean the source is the CD instead of the mastering tape? Oh....well, but is the LPCDM2 made of CDR also? since the layer of it is blue instead of silver wor....I am a bit worried about that....since CDR will be degraded ma!~ Pls advise...thx! 回復文次郎
U mean the source is the CD instead of the mastering tape? Oh....well, but is th ...
Gentleho 發表於 2011-12-29 13:48
個人覺得sacd最得!- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用 回復 18# 文次郎
Ok, thx Ching!~ well, just enjoyed it suen lor....ha~ later must see clearly abt that la~~