Luxman or Accuphase?
I am thinking about to buy a new set of CD player and Int. Amp.I am considering Luxman D-05 and 507U or Accuphase DP-510 and E-460.I listen Jazz and pop songs most of the time.I just wonder which set will be the best?Thanks. 回復 1# hifirookieWhich speaker does Ching use? Focal Electra 1008 Be 我以前都試過兩部AMP(CDP唔記得佢用乜),我覺得兩部機聲音上無大分別,我用緊LUXMAN,隔離飯香D,Accuphase 啦,唔使諗!{:6_174:} I am thinking about to buy a new set of CD player and Int. Amp.I am considering Luxman D-05 and 50 ...
hifirookie 發表於 2011-11-19 07:52
Dp510同e460依家做到咩價? 回復 1# hifirookie
Accuphase DP-510 and E-460{:6_193:} Focal Electra 1008 Be
hifirookie 發表於 2011-11-19 08:13
夾膽機啦!!!{:6_138:} 夾膽機啦!!!
avlam 發表於 2011-11-19 13:10
唔使急,佢遲D會㗎啦。{:6_180:} 唔使急,佢遲D會㗎啦。
kenneth_obee 發表於 2011-11-19 13:50
你又知???{:6_175:} 回復 9# avlam