Cyruschow 發表於 2011-11-15 21:03

want to buy i-mac...

本帖最後由 ming 於 2011-11-15 22:31 編輯

plan to buy i-mac.... is it easy to switch from win7 to apple OS ?? I am afriad it takes me much time to learn the operation......

any c-hing can advise me??

lego_cyris 發表於 2011-11-15 22:16

What kind of application for your daily use? I dun think this is hard to switch from M$ to MacOS, just need to spend some time on it.

myblue 發表於 2011-11-15 23:15

plan to buy i-mac.... is it easy to switch from win7 to apple OS ?? I am afriad it takes me much tim ...
Cyruschow 發表於 2011-11-15 21:03

I was a new comer of iMAC three months ago. In fact, I used to play around Windows for many ... many years, all the way from Windows 3.0to Windows 7, not to mention about the Windows NT to Windows Server 2008. However, being attracted by iPad2, I look into Mac IOS &Mac OSX seriously for the last few months. You know, being a long fans of Microsoft, I have been gotten used to all the shortcuts and applications running in Windows. But when you hook on iMac / MBP /MBA in the shop like Fortre.s, Broadw.y or Studio X, you will find you love them immediately. You know why, they give you impression of "toy", "gadget" and even "furniture".It seems they are no longer the tools, particularly if you need to work on Windows at office. Now, what you need should be something special and something that you love to touch all the time at home.

All right, get back to the topics, let's say 1~2 months of learning period should be long enough for all the ordinary users (home users). The iMac and Lion have been configured well for any Mac starter. And you can google any issue if necessary. The most important thing for iMac (or any Mac OSX) is they are much reliable and user friendly, particularly for the new application installation.

Well, I still have two XPs and a Windows 7 at home for some reasons. But I have included my new Apple members iPad2, Macbook Pro (2011) week ago. I'm pretty sure playing around iMac will be a wonderful experience. Try it.

kayulai 發表於 2011-11-15 23:25

我已轉哂iMac, ipad, iphone. easy to learn how to use.
I am using Office for Mac without window, quite good.
My friend installed window into his iMac, he is very happy also!
If you want to buy an iMac, why do you still want to buy Samsung mobile?? iphone will be better!

obee 發表於 2011-11-16 00:28

I am user of Mac OSX (have been using for 1.5 years)

I was user of Windows (DOS 6.2 -> Windows 95,98...XP). I didn't use Windows 7 daily and stayed at Windows XP since 10 years ago because I was scared by the performance and complexity of Vista.

Mac OSX is definitely more simple than Windows XP, I tried Windows 7 sometimes now (bootcamp), and found the system is more complex (see the Control Panel of Win7 and OSX Tiger/Lion and you will agree with me), though the performance is better than Vista.

If you really change to OSX soon and need to use MS Office, I don't recommend using OSX office, instead, I suggest buying VMWare / Parallel and run MS Office "natively" on MS Windows products. Because I think the user interface of OSX version Office and MS Office are too different and I think it's unwise to learn the OSX version Office because it seems no one in the commercial world use this product.

hutmonkey 發表於 2011-11-16 08:22

I am using an Imac 27" 's user. It is normal to have some hesitation on the head start as we get used to the window system. As mentioned by some ching, it is pretty sure you will adapt to it for several month trial. But some applications is more convenient to be run into the window platform. You can still run win apps by installing Parallel Desktop /VMWare. But if you like playing computer games, I am not pretty sure whether it is still ok on Mac platform.

ivanyiu 發表於 2011-11-16 13:19

我唔打機既. 買 mac 都係會itune 聽歌同做 development. 睇黎 iMac 性價比最高. 唔係買 mac mini 都係要買多隻 mon 同keyboard mouse. imac 一套過攪掂.

myblue 發表於 2011-11-16 18:55

It is 100% correct that iMac is best buy than Mac mini. Indeed, iMac is at higher grade comparing with the components used in Mac mini. The only way to opt for Mac mini would be probably used for media player in your living room, or the case you want to leverage your existing monitor, keyboard & mouse.

On the other hand, iMac is very hot due to its compact assembly. It easily reaches 50~60C in half hour.You probably need to find a good ventilated place to babysit this toy.

Cyruschow 發表於 2011-11-16 19:24

actually, I just use my computer to (1) process photos, editing and resizing (2) using office (3) internet (4) plan to play DAC / squeeze box/ NAS....

and want to save place to keep the 機箱 !!!!

hkdigit 發表於 2011-11-16 22:31

I want to buy iMac for photo editing too, does it use more RAM than windows platform? How many RAM should I purchase if I edit Canon 5D RAW file by PhotoShop Mac?
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