t_wing 發表於 2012-1-11 11:04

回復 40# type_boy

Ching 其實你先 check 吓你塊 Main board 係 bios 入面

有得 set 過 cpu 風扇速度 ka ,原本 cpu 個 Fan 係好野 (用4綫 控制快慢)

而家你粒 T cpu 吾係太熱 用全鋁做 Heat Sink (又想散熱再好 D 先至改銅 Heat Sink)

D 新 MB 通常都 set 左 個 cpu fan 你快 D (因吾知你用 乜野 cpu....)

set 慢 D 風扇速度 ok 啦 不用 改 Heat Sink{:1_352:}

type_boy 發表於 2012-1-11 17:06

回復 41# t_wing

Thanks for your reply.
Let me try try tonight.

I did tune the fan speed to level 1 using the program provided by the ASrock, with target CPU temp at 4x degree C. at that time the CPU temp is 3x degree C.

Because my room is kind of small and quiet and therefore I found the noise is still annoying.
I guess heat is not an issue for me but the noise is. Just want to see if those cooler claimed that they are a lot quieter than the stock cooler really does the job or not.
Such as:

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