請教int amp
Hi 各位ching, 小弟原有ca640a ver1 作2ch 聽歌用, 現想轉int amp, budget $10k. 請指教或有其他選擇, 主要聽pop music, speaker cm1.1. Cyrus
2. Roksan
3. Creek
Thank you. Use what speakers? Use what speakers?
Wilmer威馬 發表於 2011-11-13 11:33 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
cm1呀馬兄!!! 回復 2# Wilmer威馬
好似係B&W cm1. 琴晚聽過....CM1 配Roksan幾好... 但請問各位ching, roksan 聲底是什麼呢? Yes, speaker is b&w cm1. I will suggest Cyrus for pop music, or Creek for live music, Roksan is good but character too 斯文。 但watt數會足夠嗎? 或要加power amp嗎? Theoretically, the real effective power while playing music at reasonable sound level is no more then 20W/ch, higher power only offer better dynamic and sound quality, and your CM1 not really difficult to drive, so you don't need to worry about power..... except you want to blow your flat away. Ching 非常多謝你.