睇戲至強 , 振振器
http://www.buttkickergear.com/Wireless_ButtKicker_kit_BKA300_p/bk-kit-4.htm 回復 1# lw3000勁{:6_193:} , 估唔到有呢樣野,師兄係咪諗住整返個4D 影院。。 hi c-hing , it look great , How much, and where can you order or buy? please report to us after you try. Thanks! hi c-hing , it look great , How much, and where can you order or buy? please report to us after you...
nippon 發表於 2011-11-10 16:42 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
lw3000 發表於 2011-11-10 16:51 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
according to your video provide , the 振振器 have wireless version , it is not same to your device. Is it right? 是否睇乜戲都可以震架?? {:6_212:} 震蛋{:6_174:} romance action movie{:6_212:}{:6_212:} 回復 8# blindfaith3by8
my stuff not wireless version, if this kind of product is powerful i will make order wireless version
leslie 回復 1# lw3000
係咪放入單邊梳化已 可以了...........{:6_138:}