Rorschach 發表於 2011-11-16 09:14

Solaris (The Criterion Collection)

Rorschach 發表於 2011-11-16 09:15

Naked (The Criterion Collection)

Rorschach 發表於 2011-11-16 09:17

Diabolique (The Criterion Collection)

Rorschach 發表於 2011-11-16 09:19

Bad Boy Bubby

Rorschach 發表於 2011-11-17 16:30


Rorschach 發表於 2011-11-17 16:33

Sophie Scholl

victor_wong 發表於 2011-11-17 21:16

ching post 多 D英版, 如果有埋 review 就更正啦, 始終有好多戲想睇, 但又唔 sure o 唔 ok~ {:1_252:}

dennis10 發表於 2011-11-18 02:09

新版 Naked...又害到我有少少心動...

講開 CC,其實我有少少百思不得其解,
係 The BRD Trilogy (隻 Veronika Voss)既 DVD 入面,有一個咁既隱藏 vob 存在:

Rorschach 發表於 2011-11-18 09:25

新版 Naked...又害到我有少少心動...

講開 CC,其實我有少少百思不得其解,
係 The BRD Trilogy (隻 Vero ...
dennis10 發表於 2011-11-18 02:09
LOL!! are u sure you got the rea offical CC dvd, not the fake bootleg CC dvd which you can get it from 高登電腦中心????

Rorschach 發表於 2011-11-18 09:29

ching post 多 D英版, 如果有埋 review 就更正啦, 始終有好多戲想睇, 但又唔 sure o 唔 ok~...
victor_wong 發表於 2011-11-17 21:16
haha i try, i still got alot of blu-ray to post but gonna take me a long time. i don't thing is a good idea to make my own review because most of the film here is not everyone cup of tea...
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