[電單車]Kawasaki ZX-RR Ninja 進度四
本帖最後由 kennykky 於 2011-12-10 16:50 編輯磨左主車架, 同埋兩條鈴中間條分模線. 要唔磨到走樣淨係磨中間. 嘔電, 真車可能都有呢條線. 但係都砂走佢, 如果唔係件成品睇落好雞
Today I have done fixing the seam lines on the main body frame and sand down the molding lines in the middle of the wheels, I guess in the real bike would also have this line on the wheels, but I have had to remove it anyway, since these lines would make the model appears like a miniature when taking photos. It was such a tiresome procedure. I think the hardest part is over.