我已收咗X-60貨,想買多條40用落部DAC道,所以今日上去睇下有無貨啦!條sale話淨番啲水尾話十一草一尺窩{:6_199:} 我心講唔係呀水尾重當當X-60架價錢賣{:6_199:} 真無良,當時重sale緊個哥仔話什麼金銀線窩!咁唔老實!祝果個師兄好運 本帖最後由 celtic 於 2011-11-5 23:50 編輯回復 1# heven
if too expensive, dont buy
no need to complain about them, remember, they are running a business, not a charity to satisfy you and not necessarily have to offer the cheapest price
just some of my personal opinion: they are the official dealer of Viablue, but instead of buying from dealers locally in HK, some of us have already opted to buy online, which have already intereferred with their sales. but of course, in the internet age, people buy things online where it gives u the cheapest price, but at the same time, do not think that the local dealers should offer you the low price, it is a very naive thought
there are just too many other shops who over charge, so as a consumer, you decide where to buy
p.s. and what about the local supermarkets, city super and other stores who over charge..... 二手區有人放緊X40喎!快手去睇睇比人賣左未! 回復 3# KING
KING SIR, thank a lot! 回復KING
KING SIR, thank a lot!
heven 發表於 2011-11-6 00:00 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
但放果位師兄好似話星期六之前喎! 我有朋友試過買neotech廠線返泥對一對,原來係佢地diy,但就收廠線價.{:1_250:}{:1_250:} 回復 2# celtic
師兄我只想報吓個價錢姊,唔駛咁好火啊!我係無知架想法,真的唔好意思吓得罪得罪,雖然我讀書少但都明你講乜{:6_192:} 我日後唔會去你果度打擾你們啦{:6_200:} 回復celtic
師兄我只想報吓個價錢姊,唔駛咁好火啊!我係無知架想法,真的唔好意思吓得罪得罪,雖然我 ...
heven 發表於 2011-11-6 00:17 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
二手區都有佢地既廣告POST出,你可能好少去二手區度睇! 我有朋友試過買neotech廠線返泥對一對,原來係佢地diy,但就收廠線價. ...
Celica 發表於 2011-11-6 00:13 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
師兄你小心俾人話你係無知架想法啊{:6_223:} 其實佢地做特價祇係做到上個星期六咋,過左就賣番正價呀啦!
二手區都有佢地既廣告POST出,你可能好少 ...
KING 發表於 2011-11-6 00:22 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif