Velodyne SPL-1000 setup
Ching 們,請問Velodyne setup時,是否先插Mico入sub 仔道,之後長按remote上面個EQ掣,由佢自己setup?
我唔知要將volume開幾大先啱? 因為我setup先後,sub仔個volume都冇變過係30.
setup 好之後再用amp的auto-setup對嗎? 我試過用amp個auto setup, 佢自動將我的surround spk 全部改做Large, 請問有問題嗎?
ED >>> 請問Velodyne setup時,是否先插Mico入sub 仔道,之後長按remote上面個EQ掣,由佢自己setup?
>>> 我唔知要將volume開幾大先啱? 因為我setup先後,sub仔個volume都冇變過係30.
EQ掣 is used to auto-cal the EQ; not the volume.You can keep the volume as 30 first.If the level trim set by amp auto-setup is too large (e.g. +12 db) or too small(e.g. -12 dB), you can adjust the volume up or down to keep the level trim reasonable.
>>> setup 好之後再用amp的auto-setup對嗎?
>>> 我試過用amp個auto setup, 佢自動將我的surround spk 全部改做Large, 請問有問題嗎?
Set it back to Small; and change the crossover to 80Hz. 我用緊Velodyne SPL-1000U
想問個十仔應該SET幾多Hz? 回復 2# dominickwok
Thx Ching!! Let me try again now!! {:6_162:} 我做完auto setup之後,發現個十仔的距離唔知點解設定係5.8M, 是否只要跟據實際距離改回2.3M便可? Thx!!! 我做完auto setup之後,發現個十仔的距離唔知點解設定係5.8M, 是否只要跟據實際距離改回2.3M便可? Thx!!! ...
edd0325 發表於 2011-11-2 07:34
No.Keep it at 5.8m.The speaker "distance" in the AMP setting actually represents speaker's time delay, so that sound from different speakers can arrive at your listening position at the same time.Subwoofer usually has substantial delay due to its internal circuitry for signal filtering and amplification.So the measured "distance" is usually larger than the actual physical distance.That's is normal. 回復 6# dominickwok
明白哂! Thx dominic 兄! >>> 請問Velodyne setup時,是否先插Mico入sub 仔道,之後長按remote上面個EQ掣,由佢自己setup?
>> ...
dominickwok 發表於 2011-11-1 23:33
Ching,我都剛買左spl 1000u,有些問題想請教ㄧ下。
1) 是否要開箸部amp同sub仔才插mic去做auto setting?
2) 長按住remote個EQ制後sub仔開始做setting,是否只有2下低頻聲響大約3幾秒就做完,只否正常?
3) sub仔應可由amp控制on/ off,但現在唔得,是否於amp度要做setting?
4) 現在開到40都覺得唔係好夠,ㄧ般ching你們會開幾度黎聽?
5) 毒氣室pactrick兄教全部speaker都set去big,D聲會勁D,同ching講法相反,我自已試過set去big
請多多指教。 Ching,我都剛買左spl 1000u,有些問題想請教ㄧ下。
1) 是否要開箸部amp同sub仔才插mic去做auto setting?
SIXKKHO 發表於 2011-12-21 22:02
1) 是否要開箸部amp同sub仔才插mic去做auto setting?
If you're doing the auto-EQ of sub仔, no need to 開箸部 amp.
2) 長按住remote個EQ制後sub仔開始做setting,是否只有2下低頻聲響大約3幾秒就做完,只否正常?
My sub model is SPL-800R (not 1000u).So I don't know the behaviour of 1000u.For my 800R, it will have ~10 times of 低頻聲響 to do the auto-EQ.Make sure you plug in the Velodyne mic into your 1000u before you press the EQ button.
3) sub仔應可由amp控制on/ off,但現在唔得,是否於amp度要做setting?
The proper way is: after you finish the auto-EQ of 1000u, do the auto setup on the amp (what amp are you using?)Usually, the amp will detect all the speakers, including the sub.
4) 現在開到40都覺得唔係好夠,ㄧ般ching你們會開幾度黎聽?
For "40", do you mean the volume in the sub?I only use the default volume setting of 30 in the sub (before and after the auto-EQ).After finish the auto setup process on my Onkyo amp, I used the sound meter to adjust its trim level in the amp (now I set it to +3dB in the amp).No need to adjust the volume setting in the sub, unless its trim level setting in the amp is too extreme (e.g. +11/12 or -11/12 in the Onkyo amp).
5) 毒氣室pactrick兄教全部speaker都set去big,D聲會勁D,同ching講法相反,我自已試過set去big真係勁D有力左,但見好多ching都係set去small同80Hz,是否與speaker大細有關?
Set all speakers to "big" means all speakers will produce the low frequencies, so you think "D聲會勁D"; but what about the quality of the low frequencies?In many cases, set all speakers to "small" and pass all frequencies lower than 80Hz (or 90Hz or 100Hz, you need to try) to the sub will yield a much better quality of low frequency response. 回復 9# dominickwok
3)我無用部Amp的auto setup,係用手動,AV amp係Y記3010