劉一舟 發表於 2008-12-23 03:23

《甘地傳》Gandhi : Blu-ray (實物圖在第2頁)

本帖最後由 劉一舟 於 2009-3-13 23:40 編輯


Disc 1: Main Feature
﹣1080P 2.35:1 Widescreen
﹣English and French 5.1 Dolby TrueHD
﹣Portuguese and Spanish 5.1 Dolby Digital
﹣Subtitles (Main Feature): English, English SDH, French, Portuguese, Spanish, Arabic, Dutch
﹣Subtitles (Extra Features): English, French, Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch, German, Italian, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Thai
﹣Blu-ray Exclusive: Gandhi’s Legacy – A Picture-in-Picture Graphics Track
﹣Introduction by Sir Richard Attenborough
﹣Director’s Commentary

Disc 2: Extra Features
﹣Subtitles (Extra Features): English, French, Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch, German, Italian, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Thai
﹣Presented in a mix of Standard and High Definition
﹣Vintage Newsreel Footage
﹣Sir Ben Kingsley Talks about Gandhi
﹣In Search of Gandhi Featurette - Lord Attenborough discusses the various hurdles he faced in getting the film made, from the genesis of the project in the '60s through to the start of production
﹣Reflections on Ben Featurette - Cast and crew reflect on Ben Kinsley as he prepared for the role and memories of him during production
﹣Madeleine Slade: An Englishwoman Abroad Featurette - Lord Richard Attenborough and Geraldine James discuss Madeleine Slade (Meerabahen), who became one of Gandhi's most committed followers
﹣The Funeral Featurette - Cast and crew discuss the recreation and filming of Gandhi's Funeral. This scene holds the record for containing more extras than any other in film history (in excess of 250,000 people!)
﹣Shooting an Epic in India Featurette - Cast and crew discuss working in India and the challenges they faced as the production progressed
﹣Looking Back Featurette - Cast and crew look back at the film. This featurette includes material about the success of the film, the impact it had on release and the Academy Award ceremony
﹣Designing Gandhi - 3 mini featurettes - Stuart Craig talks about three different elements of Set & Design:
Building the Ashram
The Tent
Finding Trains
﹣From the Director's Chair - 2 mini featurettes - Lord Attenborough shares his views on two areas of the production:
On Casting
On Music
The Words of Muhatma Gandhi
﹣The Making of Gandhi – A photo montage of behind-the-scenes stills

law1987 發表於 2008-12-23 04:22

﹣Subtitles (Main Feature): English, English SDH, French, Portuguese, Spanish, Arabic, Dutch{:1_255:}chinese?
﹣Subtitles (Extra Features): English, French, Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch, German, Italian, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Thai

719097 發表於 2008-12-23 11:44

﹣Subtitles (Main Feature): English, English SDH, French, Portuguese, Spanish, Arabic, Dutch{:1_255:}chinese?
﹣Subtitles (Extra Features): English, French, Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch, German, Italian ...
law1987 發表於 2008-12-23 04:22 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

mankoo米高 發表於 2008-12-23 14:45

﹣Subtitles (Main Feature): English, English SDH, French, Portuguese, Spanish, Arabic, Dutch{:1_255:}chinese?
﹣Subtitles (Extra Features): English, French, Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch, German, Italian ...
law1987 發表於 2008-12-23 04:22 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
正片字幕無,SF反而有,玩嘢? {:1_250:}

劉一舟 發表於 2008-12-23 15:22

正片字幕無,SF反而有,玩嘢? {:1_250:}
mankoo 發表於 2008-12-23 14:45 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

Sony都唔係第一次咁做,"皇家賭場" 新美版BD就係咁玩嘢!!!

劉一舟 發表於 2009-1-18 01:28

本帖最後由 劉一舟 於 2009-2-8 03:07 編輯


劉一舟 發表於 2009-2-9 17:41


victor_wong 發表於 2009-2-10 07:48

甘甘地, 出親台字包保你冇好死! 爆爛 gag 都要架啦!

劉一舟 發表於 2009-2-15 22:37


sutter 發表於 2009-2-15 22:49

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查看完整版本: 《甘地傳》Gandhi : Blu-ray (實物圖在第2頁)

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