DIY X-60 MS 頭加 320i 尾
DIY X-60 MS 頭加 320i 尾,難做嘅以有King Sir 同 沙王兄教學,咁我咁懶都出番個比較易做嫁啦{:6_182:} 巧奪天工!{:6_193:} Hi, would like to check with you. The shielding, did you cut away part of it and not using all of the original shielding? Is quite impossible to make it like what you did if you use all original shielding net.Thanks. 好似仲有好多條要整{:6_202:} 好嘢呀!! 個ms頭睇落都ok易搞, 啲腳拎唔拎到出嚟架? {:6_141:} 好彩九爺出MS英頭post姐,如果唔係我真係唔知點算!{:6_122:} 好嘢呀!! 個ms頭睇落都ok易搞, 啲腳拎唔拎到出嚟架?
ykluk 發表於 2011-10-28 00:16
拎得出嚟嘅{:6_182:} MS頭比MK頭放X-60易好多 X-60 + MS頭 = Good Fit {:6_193:} 好靚既手工{:6_193:}