令你部DVD/BLURAY PLAYER 變做全區碟機既解鎖網站**
可能吾係部部機都得,,但都推介下{:1_343:} THX CHING {:6_193:} {:6_200:}{:6_200:}{:6_200:} 咁好!!
Thanks!! {:6_193:} 我部淨係DVD得, 仲要用個唔知咩 oneforall remote, 都係咪試了...
"Full procedure for a oneforall remote:
1. Press DVD
2. Hold the magic/set button until the DVD button flashes twice.
3. Press 0533
4. Hold the magic/set button until it flashes twice.
5. Press 994
6. Press Magic/Set Key (don't hold)
7. Press 00189 (if your oneforall remote uses 4 di..." {:6_193:}THX~~ Thanks...... THX CHING! THX CHING{:6_211:} nice, thank you THX {:6_193:} {:6_193:} {:6_193:}