[問題]About resolution
本帖最後由 knight 於 2009-1-23 09:46 編輯原本諗住跟下面網址format,
但係我按完F10 (Compaq機)之後唔係出BIOS 主頁,
出左頁都係一list list 嘅頁,title都係咩咩咩set up咁啦,不過唔記得左係咩啦:L
thanks 各位:handshake
solved 用xp隻碟 唔得咩 用xp隻碟 唔得咩
ming 發表於 2008-12-19 16:13 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif唔見咗:L 介唔介意CAP張相上黎大家研究下? The format is okay now!
But the resolution is the lowest,I can't change it to higher.:L
It fixed.What caN i DO?thanks:dizzy:
(Now,Iam using another computer to type this message):L 會唔會你未裝 display driver呢?? I only has format the computer,I have done nothing with it
"Display driver"是不是用CD裝?thx FORMAT 完 有無裝WINDOW和其他DRIVER 無 ...... 師兄唔一定係F10架!妳要留意下佢一開機show咩出黎話妳知妳按咩先岩!!妳入biso都係想跟佢咁set做boot cd/dvd啫,妳may be試試開機按F12 OR F8睇下會唔會出到個list比d driver妳揀問妳想boot咩,咁妳就可以揀boot cd/dvd咁妳放隻【可以boot機】既碟入去就可以牒啦,不過多口問句妳想format個hdd啫,妳有無另一個有windows既電腦呀?妳將妳想format既hdd插入去入番windows認到果個hdd妳咪用windows format咪仲快,一陣妳唔識入到biso按錯野唔知改左咩連機都開唔到呀!!!