敏力 speaker cable
I am using the speaker cable bought long ling time ago model atom air. If I upgrade to ls502 or 1002 is there big difference?Btw, no time to go to ssp "go main". Can anyone advise me how much the 502 and 1002 now ( factory made or not also okay)
Thanks. I am using the speaker cable bought long ling time ago model atom air. If I upgrade to ls502 or 1002 ...
billy997 發表於 2011-10-23 15:54 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
用緊咩喇叭呀?{:6_188:} Dali ikon 6. ching please kindly advise. 回復 3# billy997
個人經驗,LS 502 夾快聲speaker好聲,性價比高,LS 1108 就比LS 502 更好,有30%增長!師兄應該搵條線夾番套system 聲底! Dali ikon 6. ching please kindly advise.
billy997 發表於 2011-10-23 17:48 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
敏力 speaker cable
I am using the speaker cable bought long ling time ago model atom air. If I upgrade to ls502 or 1002 is there big difference?Btw, no time to go to ssp "go main". Can anyone advise me how much the 502 and 1002 now ( factory made or not also okay)
- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用 ikon+敏力線, 好易太薄聲, 但係都要睇師兄所有器材而定~~~
但小弟唔太建議了 我都想問下邊度仲有LS-1302 散線買,SSP 已沒有了. 我都同意, 睇好多 ching 都有同感.
請問如果想厚同底音返多少少. 咩 speaker cable 好用? $~1500
Thanks. sorry forget to mention I am using Luxman 550AII (20W class A) + Dali ikon 6