Tara labs the one or Siltech G7 550L
Which one you choose?My speaker is B&W 804D 我揀Taralab 我揀Taralab
beckham233 發表於 2011-10-23 12:28 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
me too the one!{:6_193:} Tara labs {:1_325:} 回復 1# lawfai
Siltech. The One
配 804D,要味,SILTECH,等如大師級油畫;要准,TARALABS,等如專業級幻燈片。 Is it the sound of Madison e3 extreme 1 is similar to taralabs the one? Is it worth the extra money spend to buy taralabs the one? I'm using 804D, I vote Siltech G7 550L