大佬John 發表於 2011-10-20 19:05

回復 10# phoenix510


1080/24P 發表於 2011-10-20 19:50


大佬John 發表於 2011-10-20 19:54

回復 12# 1080/24P

    因為有幾個server, 唔知自己連左去邊部, 個friend未必係同一部...要撞中時間, 地點, server先得... 設計成咁係突登唔俾請熟人...好似請碟仙咁, 唔知請唔請到、請左咩人.

1080/24P 發表於 2011-10-20 19:59


    因為有幾個server, 唔知自己連左去邊部, 個friend未必係同一部...要撞中時間, 地點, ...
大佬John 發表於 2011-10-20 19:54 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif


大佬John 發表於 2011-10-20 20:12

回復 14# 1080/24P

    xbox可以用xbox果個join game 功能, 咁樣就會指派去同一個server. 之後再放sign... PS3就冇計.

1080/24P 發表於 2011-10-20 20:41


    xbox可以用xbox果個join game 功能, 咁樣就會指派去同一個server. 之後再放sign......
大佬John 發表於 2011-10-20 20:12 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif


大佬John 發表於 2011-10-20 20:46

本帖最後由 大佬John 於 2011-10-20 20:54 編輯

回復 16# 1080/24P


玩慣主流online mode既. 試下明白製作人既原意
The origin of that idea is actually due to a personal experience where my car suddenly stopped on
a hillside after some heavy snow and started to slip. The car following me also got stuck, and then
the one behind it spontaneously bumped into it and started pushing it up the hill. That's it! That's
how everyone can get home! Then it was my turn and everyone started pushing my car up the hill,
and I managed to get home safely.
But I couldn't stop the car to say thanks to the people who gave me a shove. I'd have just got stuck
again if I'd stopped. On the way back home I wondered whether the last person in the line had
made it home, and thought that I would probably never meet the people who had helped me. I
thought that maybe if we'd met in another place we'd become friends, or maybe we'd just fight.
You could probably call it a connection of mutual assistance between transient people. Oddly, that
incident will probably linger in my heart for a long time. Simply because it's fleeting, I think it
stays with you a lot longer.
-Hidetaka Miyazaki in an interview published May 27, 2010

1080/24P 發表於 2011-10-20 21:32

即係每個人都要親自通過難關, 到你山窮水盡既時候, 其他玩家既出現你就會感覺到雪中送炭既感覺, 唔知係唔係咁呢?

大佬John 發表於 2011-10-20 22:26

本帖最後由 大佬John 於 2011-10-20 22:54 編輯

回復 18# 1080/24P

用問米招魂既方式, 都係靠其他目標一致既人亙幫, 冇話預先約定, 一切都係隨機緣...
就好似我單拖去開倉排隊搶平野, 會遇到會幫忙既人, 會有人打尖.... 果D成班friend約定霸幾個位既人係體會唔到的
佢地可以輪流去廁所, 買早餐, 我地呢D就會忍尿、忍肚餓、挑戰D中途插入打尖既人, 唔駛講野, 所有急尿肚餓既人都會支持..

我超鐘意呢條trailer, 開頭睇唔明做乜, 後來發現Blue Phantom o係片入面擔任既角色 , 1分42秒開始, 1:44係主人公頭盔視點, 眼矇矇表示未回復清醒

coolpan 發表於 2011-10-21 12:01

我冇玩過demon souls, 呢隻dark souls都係見特別所以買黎玩, 尋晚先至攞到白石, 未得閒變人(因為同隻火龍玩bbq升下點, 但好奇怪, 升升下soul會送humanity), 所以今晚可以試下招人!
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