wil-wil 發表於 2011-10-17 23:30

Find My Friends ... 幫人捉姦 (轉載)

轉載自 winandmac 中文版


蘋果推出的 Find My Friendsapp 原意是為了讓大家更易找到朋友,但似乎這種追縱朋友的方式,有可能做成私隱問題。

有人在 MacRumors 發表文章,指要多謝 Find My Friends 和蘋果,因為幫了他捉姦。事源他為老婆買了新的 iPhone 4S,並安裝了 Find My Friends。他問老婆在那兒的時候,他趁機再透過 Find My Friends 查閱她的位置,發覺她講大話,並發現去偷情。
I got my wife a new 4s and loaded up find my friends without her knowing. She told me she was at her friends house in the east village. I’ve had suspicions about her meeting this guy who lives uptown. Lo and behold, Find my Friends has her right there. I just texted her asking where she was and the dumb b!otch said she was on 10th Street!! Thank you Apple, thank you App Store, thank you all. These beautiful treasure trove of screen shots going to play well when I meet her a$$ at the lawyer’s office in a few weeks.

edlsang 發表於 2011-10-17 23:37

Find My friend 变咗捉姦 Apps...........

kalok6 發表於 2011-10-18 09:32


antik0928 發表於 2011-10-18 14:59



teddyng637 發表於 2011-10-18 15:30

{:6_194:}梗係唔用D個 App啦..............{:6_194:}

wil-wil 發表於 2011-10-18 17:16

{:1_262:} {:1_262:} 你準備偷食咩? {:1_262:} {:1_262:}

梗係唔用D個 App啦..............
teddyng637 發表於 2011-10-18 15:30 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

teddyng637 發表於 2011-10-18 17:19

回復 6# wil-wil

唔係.......留D私人空間姐...........{:6_211:} {:6_211:}

wil-wil 發表於 2011-10-18 17:23

{:1_253:} 同你講下笑,唔好介意下! {:6_193:}


teddyng637 發表於 2011-10-18 17:19 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

teddyng637 發表於 2011-10-18 17:45

回復 8# wil-wil

我明白........ {:6_174:} {:6_174:}
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