popo388 發表於 2011-10-17 18:01

Oppo 93 video用什麼 Resolution

如果HDMI 1 (Video only) 直去TV, 請問 Ching 會用
1) Auto
2) 1080P
3) Direct Source

鐵心心 發表於 2011-10-17 18:03


inagawa 發表於 2011-10-17 18:43

Direct source

edlsang 發表於 2011-10-17 18:51

Auto x2 {:6_182:}

popo388 發表於 2011-10-17 18:53

其實這3種理論上有什麼分別 (尤其是 (3) 與其餘 2種)?
1) Auto
2) 1080P
3) Direct Source

ivanyiu 發表於 2011-10-17 19:12

都係 Auto

fullwell 發表於 2011-10-17 19:30

回復 1# popo388

    2) 1080P

samnet1 發表於 2011-10-17 19:47

I choose (2) 1080P

yannie 發表於 2011-10-19 08:09

用緊 Auto

chhanthony 發表於 2011-10-19 13:16

you may find the answer in your user manual p. 23

Select the Best Output Resolution
One of the major advantages of the OPPO Blu-Ray Disc Player is its ability to play high-definition Blu-Ray video and also up-convert standard definition video stored on DVD discs to high definition. The sophisticated video processor inside the player ensures that the video will have the best possible color, detail and motion.

The player offers several standard and high definition video output resolutions. To get the best visual result, it is important to select an output resolution that best matches your TV or display device.

The rule of thumb when selecting an output resolution is to match the “native resolution” of your TV or display device as closely as possible. The “native resolution” is the resolution of the actual display component in the TV, such as the Plasma panel, LCD panel, or DLP™ chip. The TV may accept input signals with lower or higher resolutions than its native resolution. In such cases the electronics in the TV will up-scale or downscale the video to fit its display component. Unfortunately many TVs on the market only do an average job scaling the video. On the other hand, if you set the OPPO Blu-ray Disc Player to output a resolution that matches or is very close to the native resolution of the TV, you are more likely to get a great picture.
For the latest generation of 1080p, “Full HD” or “True HD” displays, the best output resolution will naturally be 1080p. (A few early model 1080p displays do not accept 1080p signal. For these displays the best output resolution to use is 1080i.) For all other digital televisions this will likely be 720p. For CRT tube or rear projection televisions this will likely be 1080i. For EDTV displays (very rare if they have HDMI or DVI) this will be 480p (NTSC) or 576p (PAL). These are general recommendations that work for most users, but there can be exceptions. Advanced users may want to try all supported resolutions and choose the one that provides the best visual result.

The OPPO Blu-ray Disc Player supports a special “Source Direct” output resolution on its HDMI output. This resolution is recommended for use with external video processors or high-end TVs. In “Source Direct” mode, the player works as a “transport”. It decodes video from the discs and then sends the raw video signal in its native resolution and format, without extra processing, to the external video processor or TV. The actual output resolution varies by content:

Content Source Direct Output Resolution
PAL DVD 576i
Most Blu-ray Movies (film-source) 1080p 23.976Hz or 1080p 24Hz
Most Blu-ray TV shows or Concerts
SACD and DVD-Audio 1080i

OPPO藍光播放機最重要的特點是它能夠播放高清晰藍光視頻,並能將存儲的DVD 光碟中的標準清晰視頻上轉換為高清晰格式。播放機攜帶的尖端視頻處理器將確保視頻呈現出最佳的色彩、細節和動畫。該播放機可提供各種標準高清視頻輸出解析度。為獲得最佳的視覺效果,選擇一種匹配您電視機或顯示裝置的輸出解析度是至關重要的。

選擇輸出解析度時,通常的做法是盡可能選擇匹配您電視或顯示設備的“特定解析度”。“特定分辨率”是電視實際顯示元件的解析度,例如等離子面板、LCD 顯示幕、或DLPTM晶片。電視可以接受比特定解析度低或高的輸入信號。在這種情況下,電視機內部的電子設備將會放大或縮小視頻以適應其自身的顯示組件。不幸的是市面上許多電視只能進行視頻的基本縮放工作。另一方面,如果您將OPPO藍光播放機的輸出解析度設置為與電視機特定解析度匹配的或接近的解析度,便有可能獲得最佳的圖片效果。

對於最新一代的1080p、“Full HD”或“True HD”顯示,最佳輸出解析度自然非1080p 莫屬。(一些早期的顯示器不支援1080p 信號,這些顯示器最佳輸出解析度為1080i)。對其他大部分數位電視來說,最佳解析度很可能為720p。CRT 管或背投電視,解析度則可能為1080i。EDTV 顯示器(非常罕見,如果它們帶有HDMI 或DVI)解析度將是480p(NTSC)或576p(PAL)。這些屬於普通建議,適合於大多數用戶,但也可能存在例外情形。高級用戶可能希望嘗試所有支援解析度,並選擇一種能夠提供最佳視覺效果的解析度。

OPPO藍光播放機的HDMI 輸出還支援一種特殊的“直通模式”輸出解析度。建議該解析度用於外部視頻處理器或高端電視。在“直通”模式下,播放機用作一種“傳輸裝置”。它將光碟的視頻解碼,然後將原始信號以其規定解析度和格式(不作額外處理)傳送至外部視頻處理器或電視機。實際輸出解析度根據內容的不同而不同:

PAL DVD 576i
大多數藍光電影(電影資料) 1080p 23.976Hz 或1080p 24Hz
SACD 和DVD-Audio 1080i
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