我個電子鐘壞左, 有冇得救? (squeezebox touch)
尋日買左個鐘番黎, 諗住可以當鬧鐘, 點知個時間唔準....
電腦, 電話都會上網sync時間, 都準的
同埋個電子鐘內置左喇叭, 禁上禁落都識響, 但鬧鐘就要用番喇叭出聲
係我setting 問題, 定係我部野有問題? 回復 1# dochi
If the Squeezebox server is running on NAS, the time of SBT will be sync with the NAS. Pls see if it helps. 尋日買左個鐘番黎, 諗住可以當鬧鐘, 點知個時間唔準....
你係吾係同你屋企人講話你買左個鐘...{:6_174:} 老友,呢d 唔叫做壞喎。{:6_170:} 回復 1# dochi
Oh man, it looks cool, but the function is quite stupid. 你係吾係同你屋企人講話你買左個鐘...
Lester 發表於 2011-10-18 00:40 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
我冇講, 不過老母抹野見到真係以為我買左個鐘{:1_339:}
樓上, 我的確係用nas 做server, 等我睇睇synology邊度改時間先~ 回復dochi
If the Squeezebox server is running on NAS, the time of SBT will be sync with the NAS. ...
dwight 發表於 2011-10-18 00:26 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
好感動, 第一次係76開post 就有人幫手{:6_191:}
用幾日個鐘都唔錯, 但有3點可以改善下...
1. 點解個內置喇叭唔可以當鬧鐘 / 聽歌用....
2. Loading 時間可以再快d
3. 加入DLNA 等支援, 唔使開squeezebox server 都行到
改善到就一流喇{:6_193:} 得左!!!
好感動, 第一次係76開post 就有人幫手
2. Loading 時間可以再快d
dochi 發表於 2011-10-19 02:39 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Loading 時間由你個NAS CPU power決定,如果你裝個squeezebox server係PC會快左 I have the same problem~!!!
Let me check my QNAP Loading 時間由你個NAS CPU power決定,如果你裝個squeezebox server係PC會快左
Lester 發表於 2011-10-19 08:12 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
但相對pc load file, squeezebox 好似比較慢~