Have also auditioned Triangle and Focal. They give beautiful high pitch but seem lacking base. 回復avlam
Have also auditioned Triangle and Focal. They give beautiful high pitch but seem...
sbwong 發表於 2011-10-15 22:39 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
你用緊咩amp同cd機呀? 回復 11# sbwong
what amp and cd player they were using when you audition? I also love Stacey Kent but I chose to move from Proac to Sonus Faber. Anyway, D1 should be better. vote for S1.4 I voted Proac D1 回復 12# avlam
謝謝各師兄回覆!諗住amp同cd player都跟住換,所以可不理會現行器材,以免限制了speaker的選擇。
total budget (不連線) amp + CD player + speaker = 約$75K。現想先選定speaker先。謝!