Int. Amp 力水一問
Ching請問點睇d Int. Amp同埋speaker既spec
才知部機夠唔夠力水推對speaker? 本帖最後由 里奧 於 2011-10-14 10:16 編輯
淨係睇SPEC唔夠的 , 好多喇叭都只係話用 8歐 50-120W, 但你用部大火力+高控制力既AMP去推又會好聲D , 又要睇下用A類定AB類 ..... 最好參考下其他用家評價 , 再加上自己去代理/家訪 ... 睇下邊樣配搭最好 .
**可能有其他CHING會有更好的建議 , 如有錯誤請更正 . damping factor is also important 淨係睇SPEC唔夠的 , 好多喇叭都只係話用 8歐 50-120W, 但你用部大火力+高控制力既AMP去推又會好聲D , 又 ...
里奧 發表於 2011-10-14 10:11
Ching....咩叫A或AB類? damping factor is also important
dyna1000 發表於 2011-10-14 11:14
大定細既value好? A high damping factor indicates that an amplifier will have greater control over the movement of the speaker cone, particularly in the bass region near the resonant frequency of the driver's mechanical resonance. However, the damping factor at any particular frequency will vary, since driver voice coils are complex impedances whose values vary with frequency. In addition, the electrical characteristics of every voice coil will change with temperature; high power levels will increase coil temperature, and thus resistance. And finally, passive crossovers (made of relatively large inductors, capacitors, and resistors) are between the amplifier and speaker drivers and also affect the damping factor, again in a way that varies with frequency. Higher electrical damping of the loudspeaker is not necessarily better. Some loudspeakers sound better with lower electrical damping. A lower damping factor helps to greatly enhance the bass response of the loudspeaker. Actually I have the same questions before but no model answers.
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