andrew225 發表於 2011-10-12 12:18

An Introduction to Computer Audio (入門參考)

本帖最後由 andrew225 於 2011-10-12 12:44 編輯

今天看 MF V-DAC II 的評論時無意發現一個寫得不錯的CAS入門指南"An Introduction to Computer Audio",作者提供很多有用的參考資料包括軟件的設定,而且對一些似是疑非的問題提供一些中肯的意見,例如 OSX vs. Windows, USB vs. Optical, FLAC vs. WAV, etc.我看了一個早上覺得對CAS 新手(包括小弟)都幾有用,希望對於想玩CAS 的師兄有用

obee 發表於 2011-10-12 13:38

another good reference! 除非唔識英文,否則應該一讀!

obee 發表於 2011-10-12 16:12

About preception:

Believing is hearing
"Visit a couple of audio forums and you will notice that there are as many opinions as forum members. Often very strong opinions, so strong you might call it a passion.
Passion is our driving force it don’t improve our reality testing."

Loudness matching
"Loudness matching is very important when comparing products because the perception of timbre, spatial and dynamic attributes are level dependent.
A lot of sales man knows this. Just turn up the volume a little when demonstrating the expensive one does wonders."

HOHOHO 發表於 2011-10-12 18:25

very good information for reference{:1_351:}

obee 發表於 2011-10-12 18:30

睇左7 成,基本上佢係集合網上d 觀點去講一d 無絕對答案嘅topic, 而對其他有絕對答案嘅,佢都有好長盡嘅解釋。


andrew225 發表於 2011-10-12 19:08

多謝版管和各位師兄加分先! {:1_347:}我剛剛看到有關 USB Transfer Modes 時提及在 audio-gd 中出現的 Tenor TE7022L 晶片 (當然不少 USB DAC 都是用它的),應該不是行 "asynchronous mode" 而是 "Isochronous adaptive mode", 詳情可以參考這裡 (; 當中提及一個測試用的軟件 "Microsoft USBView" 可以在這裡下載 (, 有興趣的師兄不妨一試!當然啦, adaptive mode 是否比 asynchronous mode 差呢? 真的是見仁見智了.......{:1_332:}

celtic 發表於 2011-10-12 21:12

useful info for newbie like me on positioning speakes

obee 發表於 2011-10-12 22:40

回復 7# celtic
雖然唔係好高深. 但(香港)又有幾多人可以做到?
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查看完整版本: An Introduction to Computer Audio (入門參考)

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