charliey 發表於 2011-10-12 11:11

想試吓點用mac book pro 玩cas

想試吓點用mac book pro 玩cas ... 請問加d乜equipment (e.g DAC ?)会好声d ?

試過將iphone嘅歌(從cd用no loss format 錄)用apple嘅綫駁去amp嘅rca in, 聽pop勉強okay, 聽d classic 小小嘅eg.小/中提琴演奏就顯得十分平面,同cdp出可以立分高下...

請問點先可以用mac book pro 玩CAS而d聲會好d呢? {:6_141:}

cookiemon 發表於 2011-10-12 12:01

想試吓點用mac book pro 玩cas ... 請問加d乜equipment (e.g DAC ?)会好声d ?

charliey 發表於 2011-10-12 11:11

What format are those songs ?
MP3 ? ... better to rip the CD in different Lossless format like : WAV, AIFF, FLACor appleloss

Any budget for the equipment upgrade?

andrew225 發表於 2011-10-12 12:05

Mac Book Pro is a good start, you may consider buying a DAC to improve the SQ.By the way, what is your budget and full spec?

charliey 發表於 2011-10-12 12:36

my current setting:
L505u + 3001 ultra power cord
Linn m109 speaker + 1102 cable + zu jumper
budget for CAS ?still thinking... hope below $6k for additional hard and softwares ... and of course to start with freewares or trial version if available ...

andrew225 發表於 2011-10-12 12:53

With $6K budget, you may consider Arcam uDAC, ONIX DAC, MF M1 DAC, EE I think most Apple users will recommend Amarra or Audirvana (free)

charliey 發表於 2011-10-12 14:15

回復 5# andrew225

thanks, and incidentally found audiolab 8200cdq which has both cdp and dac functions (and pre-amp as well) ... any idea how its performance compared to the above DACs ?
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