a888 發表於 2011-10-14 13:11

回復 18# wally

on_1020 發表於 2011-10-14 18:10



- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用

on_1020 發表於 2011-10-14 18:20


我都做電器技工.你這樣做直喉 如果你換粗喇叭線一定好換.但你一定要影相 知道喉路點走.做左油漆就見不到 將來要轉野掛電視就要睇清楚喉路

- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用

gozillahk 發表於 2011-10-14 21:19

ching, D線買咗幾長同幾錢呀?係邊度買o架?

wally 發表於 2011-10-14 23:09

我都做電器技工.你這樣做直喉 如果你換粗喇叭線一定好換.但你一定要影相 知道喉路點走.做左油漆就見不 ...
on_1020 發表於 2011-10-14 18:20 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

多謝指教。師傅都話一定要影相做reference, 第日有嘢加上牆都知係邊個位落釘。不過而家攪到成牆都係,再加埋黎緊幾日再做埋冷氣喉入牆,睇怕呢幅牆都唔可以再掂{:6_123:}
另外,師傅再三要求下,明天會上線,有d緊張添{:6_122:} ,其實同佢哋講咗幾次我想做好晒所有嘢至上線,免得之後d冷氣,天花,油漆,等工程傷及d線,但係佢哋驚到時會有好多嘢,上唔到就大鑊。所以只有上完之後包好晒d線佢啦{:6_156:} 希望無事啦。

wally 發表於 2011-10-14 23:12


- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用
on_1020 發表於 2011-10-14 18:10 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif


wally 發表於 2011-10-15 23:10


本帖最後由 wally 於 2011-10-15 23:16 編輯


Anyway, 加埋條冷氣喉,幅牆變得非常恐怖


- 發送自我的 iPod touch 大板凳應用

wally 發表於 2011-10-23 00:22

Update 吓先, work almost done. Just some more warp up will be done on next Monday {:6_237:}

Issues/problems related to AV so far:
1. Lots of 泥漿 get to my CRYOed sockets.... hopefully it won't affect the performance after clean up... next time (if I still have one, surely I'll take them all off. Lucky I didn't put up some more new ones one before the renovations... otherwise, I'll kill myself.
2. Finally, just find out today that one of the rear speaker cable installed with the wrong direction... that's why I kept insisted I need to be on site when they setup the cables...
3. That's C-Fu cut my silver plated TV antenna cable and replaced with his cheap cheap 8仔 cable! And said my cable is cheap cheap one and his 8仔 is okay 咖. I almost want to kill him immediately. And lucky I did check on him on that, otherwise, I'll be screwed. Certainly, I asked him to change it back immediately.

What else? Other things are decided to replace my front height speaker from my PolkAudio OWM3 to my old bookshelf speaker AudioPro Image 12, which is currently used in my children's room. Now the OWM3 sold, and was searching for another small bookshelf as a replace and upgrade for the children. After long searching, at the end, got another Adam A3X for them, so that I can get ride of the min-Amp in their room as well, keep things tidy, with high quality. {:6_236:}

chacha1222 發表於 2011-10-23 01:11

回復 28# wally

    {:6_196:} that's great{:6_196:}

kenlabs 發表於 2011-10-23 09:09

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