Star Wars Blu-ray 終於肯減價~
英遜終於肯減價......可惜小弟失業, 唔買得住.......
BTW, 有無師兄知道圖中兩個版本有乜唔同?? 英遜終於肯減價......
可惜小弟失業, 唔買得住.......
BTW, 有無師兄知道圖中兩個版本有乜唔同?? ...
Raphael 發表於 2011-10-11 10:08
有冇繁中{:1_342:} 港版会吾会減呀.......... 有冇繁中
MC485 發表於 2011-10-11 10:11
不過 STAR WARS 大家都睇過不知幾多次嘞.... 應該唔駛睇字幕啦~ 就咁睇英文,上面無特典,下面有!即係團購送果兩張! BTW, 有無師兄知道圖中兩個版本有乜唔同?? ...
Raphael 發表於 2011-10-11 10:08
"The Limited Edition Star Wars® Sentiype™ contains a unique 35mm film frame reproduced from the original film footage using state-of-the-art imaging and printing techniques. The film frame is mounted on premium quality paper and features original artwork from the Star Wars Blu-ray collection. Each Senitype™ is numbered for authenticity. " 外國減得真係快,本港代理應該學吓人地,哈哈{:6_238:} 咁快減價...... 回復 8# guly
都搵到夠皮啦{:6_138:} 多咗菲林送,貴十幾磅,唔化算...{:6_238:}