發表於 2011-10-18 21:48
唔係Andriod 應該係自己研發既apps
發表於 2011-10-19 08:34
千零蚊 又usb3.0 又giga lan
support 3D mkv 無話support 3D bd
ming 發表於 2011-10-18 18:53 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Sigma 8647 唔 support BD 3D
千零蚊未計 shipping charge (估計要 USD 39), 計埋啱啱要兩千大洋..
發表於 2011-10-19 12:05
Sigma 8647 唔 support BD 3D
千零蚊未計 shipping charge (估計要 USD 39), 計埋啱啱要兩千大洋.. ...
metal08 發表於 2011-10-19 08:34 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
香港買8643 最平都1800啦
發表於 2011-10-19 14:11
Ching, 請問知唔知8647 比 8643 有咩改進呢? thx
另8647 係咪sigma 新一代晶片呀, 還是係8643 改版呢?
發表於 2011-10-19 14:29
8647 應該可以支援3D
發表於 2011-10-19 23:02
本帖最後由 ikkjr 於 2011-10-19 23:03 編輯
跟據 nmt 所述, A-300 不能對應 3D blueray {:6_183:}
Source: http://www.networkedmediatank.com/showthread.php?tid=55384&page=2
發表於 2011-10-19 23:13
跟據 nmt 所述, A-300 不能對應 3D blueray
ikkjr 發表於 2011-10-19 23:02 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
係呀 只可對應 3d mkv
發表於 2011-10-20 15:58
發表於 2011-10-20 16:27
本帖最後由 kenneth_obee 於 2011-10-20 16:38 編輯
C-200 is very good already. IMO, the problem of C200 are:
1. CPU too slow to do things other than movie playback
2. no Gigabit network support (spec says it has gigabit, but the CPU is too slow to support)
3. still not "very" stable, sometimes it is not able to play movie or when there is problem in playback, it must be hard reset.
If A300 can fix the following, it's worth to buy/upgrade:
1. Use a faster CPU so that gigabit and NAS is more feasible (fanless or a quiet, slow fan is preferred)
2. Based on what has been developed in C200, further enhance the stability
To me, 3D movie playback is not a requirement.
發表於 2011-10-20 19:39
C200 - 繁中字幕有時會亂碼, subtitles support not as good as some cheap Chinese players