Amazon cannot send!!! 我都係咁買, 佢地都係咁寄比我... 你好肯定冇攪錯.. 太奇怪了..
billy997 發表於 2011-10-6 00:32
Yes, I go to there yesterday and then they are not accept my order. Ok. I will try to buy it tommorrow.
Thank you ching ~{:6_181:} 回復Netmans
Amazon cannot send!!! 我都係咁買, 佢地都係咁寄比我... 你好肯定冇攪錯.. 太奇怪了..
billy997 發表於 2011-10-6 00:32
ching{:6_223:}they say
This item cannot be shipped to the address you selected. (Learn more.) You may either change the shipping address or remove the item by clicking Delete.{:6_187:} 回復chhanthony
Anthony 兄, 其實我依家未較 AE3000. 我係話我先用 sharp LED TV 做左個白老鼠先, 用熟 ...
billy997 發表於 2011-10-6 00:38
如果有gamma set就用gamma set
無就用brightness同contrast set
不過要留意i1同Spyder 3TV配合HCFR度LED TV係唔準的
有問題打畀我啦 回復 13# chhanthony
>>不過要留意i1同Spyder 3TV配合HCFR度LED TV係唔準的
{:1_331:}咁我都係專心較部 AE3000 算勒.. 星期六再打比你請教.. 先謝過. 回復 12# Netmans
咁我真係唔知做咩佢地改左.. 呢件又唔係咩特別野做咩唔比 send? 我都係咁填 Hong Kong 送過黎.. 奇!!!
本帖最後由 Netmans 於 2011-10-6 12:17 編輯
咁我真係唔知做咩佢地改左.. 呢件又唔係咩特別野做咩唔比 send? 我都係咁填 Hong Kong 送 ...
billy997 發表於 2011-10-6 11:28
555555 ~{:6_191:}They don't love me 555555
Today, I call HK agent and contact their sale,
they can send it to MK shop with i1 display 2 or i1 display Prowo ...
I will go to search i1 display Pro the information first... I want to use CalMan 4 to my TV...
I will tell you my final the prodcut.
Thank you ching {:6_195:} btw, 我其實想問, 我部 sharp LED TV 都有 gamma, 但其實要做到 2.2 係咪講緊用 contrast / brightness / ... 等去調, 定係用機內 gamma 呢一項黎較. 我分唔到機既 gamma 值同埋我用 Eye one 度出黎既 gamma 有咩關係.
billy997 發表於 2011-10-6 00:38
From what I saw in your gamma graph, it seems like your Sharp TV still has some dynamic control being enabled which affected the on-screen gamma, e.g. dynamic contrast, dynamic backlight, local dimming, etc.You must turn them off before calibration.Otherwise, you will never be able to measure and calibrate the gamma (grayscale may be fine; but absolutely not for gamma).
I have no experience on your Sharp TV; and don't know what gamma controls that it offer to you.If it is labelled as "Gamma 2.2", "Gamma 2.3", etc. it can only serve as a reference for calibrating the gamma.Choosing "Gamma 2.2" doesn't mean that it will re-produce a 2.2 gamma curve for your TV.You must use the Eye One to measure it to confirm.Sometimes, esp. in projector, a "Gamma 2.2" preset will in fact average to a 2.1 gamma (for that particular machine and environment), a "Gamma 2.3" preset will in fact average to a 2.2 gamma, ... something like that.
And the last thing about gamma - it is more important to observe the "trend" rather than the average value.You can get an average value of 2.2 but the gamma curve may be so uneven that the 9-point gamma values can rise from 1.8@10% to 2.7@90%.
For AE3000, I don't think it has 9-point gamma adjustment.The feature was added starting from AE4000. 本帖最後由 Netmans 於 2011-10-24 14:37 編輯
咁我真係唔知做咩佢地改左.. 呢件又唔係咩特別野做咩唔比 send? 我都係咁填 Hong Kong 送 ...
billy997 發表於 2011-10-6 11:28
Ching {:1_330:}I just order X-Rite i1Display 2 ( Order Total: HKD 1,070.61)and they can send to me ~
* X-Rite Eye-One Display LT can not send to me.{:1_352:}
I will have 2 colorimeter {:1_352:}
Ching, Have you reach D65 now ?{:6_141:}