回覆... 想買一台較小型的Int amp
Que 兄 :以不到 5000 千元的售價來說 , 敢問市場能全面嬴得過 Sound Master No.36 又有幾多部 ? 每聲導只以壹支功率管6L6GC以純A類輸出, 音色美妙絕倫。小弟有一部放在睡房推SVenture LA VIE 3 寸仔聽電台廣播用, 用到 TaraLabs RSC Vector 1 + AQ CV-8 + van den hul 服侍 No.36發放甜如蜜糖的音色... Que 快去聽聽吧, 我保證你聽後, 會發現過去用 PM19 是聽少幾多"感情"而你是不察覺的。
Que 兄如要詳細測試報告請 reply 說明 . 先謝 .
Jadis ~ 感謝Jadis大師既回覆
因為澳門應該冇sound master
供應及支援上應該亦不如香港方便 orz
而且個擺放上 雖然之後會有改善
但用class a 膽機仍然有少許驚
Thanks a lot 咁sp3...同Sound Master No.36 ....點比...?THX 回復 1# Jadis
Jadis, thank you very much for all of your outputs, very interesting and helpful.
I have a question for you, would you please express the characteristics of Tara Labs Vector 1 interconnect?How does it compare with the newer Tara Labs RSC M2?I'm thinking to get a pair of Tara Labs to replace my old AQ Ruby.The interconnect would be used between my Denon CD player and Sound Master No.76 (with EL34), and my speaker is B&W CM1.
Thank you for your help! Jadis 大師, 我對 Sound Master No.36 都好有興趣, 不過官網已經沒有資料了, 大師可以分享多一些聽感嗎?我一直都想試下用膽機, 不過好怕買錯野.......{:1_332:}