True Lies 真實謊言
各位師兄,有無此Blu-ray發售時間表{:1_330:} I am glad to hear that not only one care about the blu-ray version of True Lies {:1_254:}.I do not know the schedule
people only care the total recall - the story is OK but very outdated CG 各位師兄,有無此Blu-ray發售時間表
dragonyam 發表於 2010-10-11 13:15
ching 知唔知有冇中字{:6_141:} 我都等緊 ! 呢套好野! 有中字必買! {:6_193:} 嘩, 唔係 ching 你提起, 我都差 d 唔記得呢套戲...
希望快 d 出 blu-ray 啦 我LD年代租睇左呢套戲,2日裡面睇左3次,情意結,所以一出必入!{:1_259:} must buy ar ~ wait long time ~~ James Cameron每套都是大作,一等一的好戲,值得期待!{:1_352:} 呢套都係好戲...{:1_352:}