其實應該點決定用白幕定灰幕? 係咪有咩環境因素決定ga?而家諗住都係買Epson TW3600, 唔知配白幕定灰幕好... {:6_140:} 本帖最後由 dominickwok 於 2011-10-4 13:39 編輯
If your viewing environment has reasonable control of ambient light (e.g. all lights can be turned off, thick curtains to cover windows, non-shiny wall / ceiling / floor, etc.), it is better to use white screen.In general, white screen will give you better color accuracy than gray screen.TW3600 has good black level already.No need to get gray screen for boosting the contrast. 同意dominickwok兄
以現時投影機嘅效能,熄晒熄喺一般家居環境下睇戲,用白幕比較好 It is always a debate for white or grey. I did do some research before and can share here.
Grey screen improve black level. I think the more the better. I don't see there is anything called "enough". Look into how the projectors improve in each generation, the black level always improved and it is also attracting ppl to upgrade.
Grey screen can resist ambient light. In home environment we still have white wall and ceiling. These affect the picture quality.
But of course I won't recommend low end grey screen where it is not up to quality and always worse. Dont count those china made one as they don't master the skill for making good grey screen. If limited budget go for white won't go wrong.
Also now the projector is very bright, give up lumen to gain black level is a good tradeoff.
Lastly, I assume u would calibrate projector using a right device. There is no concern of incorrect color as some may question. 收到晒, 多謝各位ching先! {:6_195:} 其實應該點決定用白幕定灰幕? 係咪有咩環境因素決定ga?
而家諗住都係買Epson TW3600, 唔知配白幕定灰幕好.. ...
ng_tim 發表於 2011-10-4 12:57 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
我初次玩投影如你一樣選擇了白幕定灰幕..?在 網上找尋都話選擇白幕,但4-5年前或更久之前多數選用灰幕,係近年至吹用白幕,(原因不明),吹用白幕的理由白幕比灰幕顏色準確度好,現在的投影機對比度足夠,不需要用灰幕來增加對比度.(原來是廢話我覺得).顏色是可以調校的,如無調校白幕或灰幕都死,用灰幕的好處可以增加對比度,對比度越高畫面越靚,顏色至夠實在,立體感越好,對比度無人謙少.所以訪間的投影機對比越高就越貴,而且灰幕比白幕貴(同級數),如白幕的好處真係比灰幕好,那些公司便不會定價灰幕比白幕貴啦.難道(那些)公司有錢不賺嗎..?
我第一次就是用白幕,今次我用灰幕,發現一種情況就是灰幕對外來光線所受影響比白幕低,這情況我覺得好好,一般家居環境遮光不理想,牆身及地版多數淺色(反光),如用白幕有少少光都另畫面顏色變得灰浮,我之前用sony hw-10就有這樣情況.(如用貴價或高等級投影機梗係無問題或家居環境整到全黑(無反光) 用白幕梗係好始終白幕錢價便宜過灰幕).用白幕定灰幕你慢慢想清楚啦. 回復 6# mail9
咁講既係GV灰幕都唔錯~?我都係諗緊間晊主色係淺色,係咪要用返灰幕去balance返... 回復mail9
咁講既係GV灰幕都唔錯~?我都係諗緊間晊主色係淺色,係咪要用返灰幕去balance返... ...
ng_tim 發表於 2011-10-5 00:06 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif