網友說: Samsung 沒有抄蘋果 ~ 看! (轉載)
轉載自 winandmac 中文版http://chinese.winandmac.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/samsung-apple.jpg
Samsung 是否有抄蘋果,在此不用評論,在網上都經常看到有網友把兩者拿來比較。最近有一張圖片名為 Samsung is not copying Apple,似乎說 Samsung 沒有抄蘋果,但大家看過後就知道是講反話了。跳轉後有完整圖片。
http://www.winandmac.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/samsung-copying-cjr.jpg 唉.....我真係唔明.....自己既品牌都已經絕對唔會無人應識!!
就知係你既產品.....依樣係我一直對依個品牌最不滿既地方.....{:6_146:} 跟風跟得好,容易起頭過自己搞過,但要跟得好其實都唔易! 回復 3# wil-wil
"起頭"{:1_262:} .....依樣....係APPLE成功既地方{:6_193:} 咁又係 ... 不過 Apple 年紀大,再起頭好難架 {:1_262:}{:1_262:}{:1_262:}{:1_262:}{:1_262:}{:1_262:}
唔似三叔仲後生,睇住做就即起 {:1_343:} {:1_253:} {:1_253:}{:1_253:}{:1_253:}{:1_253:}
"起頭" .....依樣....係APPLE成功既地方
RiceR9 發表於 2011-9-30 00:03 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif 回復 5# wil-wil
不過希望佢都有創新既新科技....而唔係改名就當新科技 Sony 從前起頭都係咁玩,所以三叔現在只係沿 Sony 條路走!
講真,現在三叔飯數多,且飯飯都唔弱,要完完全全過頭係時間問題! Sony 從前起頭都係咁玩,所以三叔現在只係沿 Sony 條路走!
講真,現在三叔飯數多,且飯飯都唔弱,要完完全 ...
wil-wil 發表於 2011-9-30 00:16 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Think the difference is, Samsung can do a lot of things from scratch in-house but Sony has to buy just about everything from others.So like you said, it's just a matter of time before Samsung elevates itself to the Sony level.But along the way, they have to get their act together in terms of design and innovation! 完全同意! 今日 Sony 策略唔肯由頭做起,以拼購形式出擊。
Think the difference is, Samsung can do a lot of things from scratch in-house but Sony has to ...
qwe456 發表於 2011-9-30 01:09 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif 各花各眼....晤算抄嘅! {:6_138:}{:6_138:}