Int. Amp for cm5
回復 18# ton_ton_tonCM5 - English style, musical 感強, 高中音一般, brass 強, 聽drum 聲一流, 厚聲底. 高中音要再靚, 上PM1 or 8 series.
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Int. Amp for cm5
- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用 回復 22# ton_ton_ton
一於上showroom 試試佢,記得拎d自己CD. Hi Ching,
I auditioned the rotel machines at B&W showroom. The sales did not recommend the int. Amp. Instead, they proposed the 前後級, with 1580 and 1582, priced at about $23,000 in total.
With 200w amplifier, I would say the force is very good. The analytical skill of pre-amp is not bad either. However, it really is out of my budget.
Before I auditioned naim xs, priced at $18000 at radar, which is good. Now the rotel is $5000 more.
Is it worth paying $5000 more or just stick to xs? My concern is B&W selling different thing as I am looking for, that is pre+amp vs int amp.
Thanks $23,000 in total 買前後級,除左 CHINA 膽外,我覺得唔值,起碼二手小人要,因為若玩前後級者,大多玩合拼先,同願意俾多D “升級”。
如師兄個 BUDGET (<20K),買(石)合併 最好 回復 26# kenneth_obee
Thanks Ching.
Is CM5 + naim xs a good match?
I auditioned naim xs with Proac at radar as they do not have b&m.Therefore, I do not know how the sound will be like.I could not find a shop that has both b&w and naim. So I do not know.
Thanks 回復 27# maomao
I don't have naim and Proac, better let other ching suggest. 回復 25# maomao
Your budget is fine and i don't recommend rotel. Hi Ching,
I auditioned the rotel machines at B&W showroom. The sales did not recommend the int. Amp ...
maomao 發表於 2011-10-3 18:46
if your budget is about 23K you may also consider luxman 550AX, whish is class A and a bit "warmer" taste than the other luxman 回復 28# kenneth_obee
Dont recommend Naim XS if you dont use the 5XS CDP of naim. I used Marantz SA15S2 to match with nait xs, the sound isnt really matched.