發問求詳解! foobar以外無聲~
本帖最後由 SRV 於 2011-9-29 13:03 編輯師兄求教!
點解接上DAC後,其他device例如windows/IE/youtube 等會無哂聲?
PC soundcard (Opitcal)-> Audio-gd NFB12 (RCA) -> Tube amp-> HP
foobar component 有resampler (to 44100Hz),soundcard 係數碼進行曲,ony have S/PDIF, no bulit-in amp/dac~
我知應該係各部份(soundcard, dac, foobar) 個sampling rate setting要match番(using wasapi),但係試極都唔得!
有咩計? Thanks! 師兄求教!
點解接上DAC後,其他device例如windows/IE/youtube 等會無哂聲?
PC soundcard (Opitcal)-> Aud ...
SRV 發表於 2011-9-29 12:58 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Go to Control Panel and check if the default output is set to optical out... yea, don't think its related to the sampling rate issue. should be something related to your output device, check your foobar output to your sound card or not and whether your sound card have optical output on and volume level. 回復 3# wally
FIXED FINALLY! Thanks all chings!
I've tried almost everything, and thought the next step was to reinstall the Win7. I had nothing to lose and therefore open to try anything that didn't make sense. I deleted all soundcard drivers, incl the realtek and the S/PDIF. I then reinstall the S/PDIF soundcard driver and now....it works....