發表於 2011-9-30 01:56
本帖最後由 Jadis 於 2011-9-30 01:59 編輯
四季版本眾多, 演繹大師亦不少, 唯獨 Qwe456 兄大力推許只得Itzhak Perlman 的 EMI original version, 我必然大力一試。 四季我玩過不少, Perlman 的演奏亦言, 但 Qwe456兄推薦的一張小弟見笑反而忽略了, 實是慚愧, 撰寫至此, 不離夜深人靜, 至電百代古典老友, 說明用最快方式寄予此碟給我, 回覆遺憾的是, 朋友 William 說只有 1989 年版, 敢問師兄, 1989年版分別大嗎 ? 另, Qwe456 所提到另外三張四季, 是哪三張 ? 願聽其詳 。
談到四季, 我諗任何一位喜歡古典曲目的發燒友都會 滔滔不絕, 談談版本, 說說演奏者, 那間唱片公司更佳等, 小弟智微, 多年來較喜歡 Philips 最早期的一張四季黑膠, 這個錄音不算靚聲(有人甚至說它無乜高音), 亦不講得分析力高, 我愛它的原因是其自然瑰麗的音樂感, 很能表達出 Vivaldi的神髓, 我曾以 Basis Debut Sig.+ Graham2.2 + Clearaudio Insider 播唱此碟的〝秋〞, 音色流於自然醇美, 氣氛凝聚極佳, 有一種誘人的氣息, 論氣氛, 投入度, 未有CD可比。當我在一處無LP系統的地方想聽四季時, 除了 Mutter 外, 新派一點的 Nigel Kennedy 我都會聽, 其不跟著韻律的節拍, 和"後生仔"的勁度推弦, 確是相當具新鮮感。
今晚聽不到 Qwe456 推介的四季, 恐怕都瞓不到了 ...
Jadis ~
發表於 2011-9-30 02:09
本帖最後由 Jadis 於 2011-9-30 02:19 編輯
個曲 Live 的 《Matsuri》 ( 響宴) 係唔係出自live in Amercia CD,我有個隻live碟好得。
Soba 兄, 《響宴》大碟是出現於《古事記》的, Live 的演繹版出現過在 《Live in America》和 《The Best of Kitaro II》, Live版固然非常出色, 當年大小音響店日播夜唱, 雖然就連小弟丈都較喜歡 Live 版, 但原曲的一種神秘和慢拍調亦不可忽視, Soba, 你要找找找啦 .
Jadis ~
發表於 2011-9-30 02:23
四季版本眾多, 演繹大師亦不少, 唯獨 Qwe456 兄大力推許只得Itzhak Perlman 的 EMI original version, 我必 ...
Jadis 發表於 2011-9-30 01:56 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Perlman...Not sure about the 1989 version -- it could well be a re-mastered version of the 1985 recording, should be good!I vaguely recall EMI republishing the 1985 recording a few years back, but I'm not 100% sure.
The LP one...Haven't seen that one before!Who's playing?
Mutter...Have that one, saw it just then when I was looking for my Perlman CD.Haven't put it on for a long time, it was WEAK from what I could remember.As a rule of thumb, Mutter needs to show a bit more flesh on her CD covers!Jokes aside, I will try it again tomorrow.Am too lazy to walk over to my CD player now.
Nigel Kennedy...Am quite sure I had that CD before, but I haven't seen it around for a while.Have probably lost it when I moved or something.But I remember that one to be at least decent!Am quite fond of Nigel Kennedy in general...
Off the top of my head, other recordings of the Four Seasons I have come across:
Gil Shaham: Way over-rated...He's ok, but sorry, am not a big fan!I never understand why some people consider him Perlman #2.
Joshua Bell: Don't understand why people even mention him!Pretty face and that's about it!
Think I might still have the CDs for these two somewhere, unless, again, I have lost them when I moved around in the last 10 years!
Am sure there were others that I've come across, just that they probably didn't leave strong impressions.
發表於 2011-9-30 10:43
Jadis 發表於 2011-9-29 21:54 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
tko 好小唱片賣!
發表於 2011-10-1 02:40
回復 22# Jadis
Jadis 師兄,
古事記大碟我有隻美國版20 bit remastering, 那曲(響宴)跟是小弟最愛之一,其實古事記大碟出過好多版本包括SACD,請問Jadis師兄有冇特別好的版本推薦比小弟呢?謝謝
發表於 2011-10-1 03:09
我聽過的《古事記》版本有三張, 而最靚聲的, 正是你有的一張日本版, 如果你的 code 是 DJCP-50013 , 而又是1990年 Amuse America. Inc版, 恭喜你, 這張毫就是 .
發表於 2011-10-1 12:29
我聽過的《古事記》版本有三張, 而最靚聲的, 正是你有的一張日本版, 如果你的 code 是 DJCP-50013 , 而又是 ...
Jadis 發表於 2011-10-1 03:09 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
謝謝Jadis 大師兄回覆 。