[法版]Scarface BD steelbook實物圖
本帖最後由 r32 於 2011-9-28 22:04 編輯遲成個月........得個平字.
回復 1# r32
C Hing, it doesn't looks like UK version. Is it Gernany? 呢隻鐵近期大熱...{:6_193:} 全球大共圖{:6_174:} 有中字,我鍾意. 全球大共圖
小龍 發表於 2011-9-28 17:25 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
共圖同圖呀! {:1_253:} Ching, I heard people saying UK version is without the chinese subtitle. I couldn't see the UK rating logo on the disc. Is it a Germany or french version that you bought? Thanks for the sharing. No postcards on your tin?I have the exact tin except mine has the postcard and the DVD is for the original 1932 film "Scarface". Sorry 好眼力嘅ching們.
小弟攪錯咗, 因之前原本訂英版, 後尾改訂(當時promo減五歐圓)嘅法版.
更正 : 呢隻有中字嘅並非英版.